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  1. Today
  2. mewip
    mewip joined the community
  3. Codilar
    Codilar joined the community
  4. afterhoursplumbingdenver
    afterhoursplumbingdenver changed their profile photo
  5. cruzamikayla
    cruzamikayla joined the community
  6. EPIQ Infotech
    EPIQ Infotech joined the community
  7. Yesterday
  8. Sanjo
    Sanjo posted a post in a topic in Feedback and Support
    And it only took 4 years! 😅😉
  9. Sanjo
    Sanjo posted a post in a topic in Transportation
    I think I'm going nuts! I hear those stupid cars everywhere all the time!
  10. Sanjo
  11. Sanjo
  12. Last week
  13. Simon
    Simon posted a post in a topic in Feedback and Support
    You can now choose between a light and a dark theme! đŸ„ł
  14. Simon
    My partner has the same attitude towards Shein. She is also worried about the potential toxins, as well as the quality of the clothes (which can apparently differ a lot!). She knows fast fashion is bad, but the clothes from Shein look good, and they are really cheap compared to other brands. And in this economy, the price is important for a lot of people.
  15. Simon
    Thank you @Zarahs 😊
  16. Simon
    Simon posted a post in a topic in Transportation
    You and me both, mate. 😊 Cities would be so much better and pleasant if they weren't swamped by loud, dirty and dangerous cars.
  17. Zarahs
    Zarahs posted a post in a topic in Green Talk
    Yes! We can still make meaningful change!
  18. Zarahs
    I really like the clothes from Shein – they have such great styles! However, I'm a bit concerned about the potential toxins that might be present in them. 😟
  19. Zarahs
    Congratulations on the upgrade! While I might not be familiar with all the technical details, the website looks great! 😊
  20. Simon
    I've just made some quick changes to the website design so that it looks a bit more Green Blog-ish. 😅
  21. Simon
    Yes again, sorry for the confusion. In the past, when I've upgraded the website, I've also finished updating and tweaking the website design as well. Usually this was done over the course of a weekend. But this time it'll take a bit longer due to the major changes in the software which Green Blog runs on, as well as personal life and all that. The important thing is that the content is still here and that the website functionality is the same. The design can be sorted out later.
  22. Sanjo
    I thought I was on the wrong site first lol 😅
  23. Simon
    Green Blog has now been upgraded. That means that status messages can no longer be posted and your old status messages are no longer visible to users.
  24. Simon
    Green Blog is looking a bit strange at the moment. Sorry about that! Over the weekend, I upgraded the software that Green Blog runs on, which means that we can't use our old website design any more. And a few more things are different. For example, status messages are no longer available. A new website design will come in the near future, under the meantime this will be how Green Blog looks and feel. If you have any questions or suggestions on how we can improve the website, please let me know. 😊
  25. Sanjo
    Sanjo replied to Simon's post in a topic in Activism
    I thought it was weird how she seemed to have just dissapeard from the news one day.
  26. Sanjo
    Sanjo posted a post in a topic in Transportation
    I DON’T WANT SELF DRIVING CARS! I want boring things like public transit that comes so regularly I don’t need to check a schedule. I want fast passenger rail so accessible and easy it’s preferable to suffering airports. I want cities that aren’t built around cars-as-default.
  27. Earlier
  28. Bio1oceanside
    Bio1oceanside changed their profile photo
  29. Carolina Dias
    Carolina Dias changed their profile photo
  30. Sanjo
  31. vitalmedical1
    vitalmedical1 changed their profile photo
  32. Simon
    In a post on X (formerly Twitter) the US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio said that: "I will NOT attend the G20 summit in Johannesburg. South Africa is doing very bad things. Expropriating private property. Using G20 to promote “solidarity, equality, & sustainability.” In other words: DEI and climate change. My job is to advance America’s national interests, not waste taxpayer money or coddle anti-Americanism." It's now official: Solidarity, equality and sustainability are now "anti-Americanism". But I think we already knew that.
  33. Simon
    Yes, it's infuriating and shocking. And just look at all those attendees in the crowd, they are applauding and cheering him on as he does a Nazi salute. Disgraceful. They don't even pretend any more. If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis. It's as simple as that. They are all Nazis.
  34. Simon
    Why does it seem that former media-darling Greta Thunberg has “gone quiet”? Well, she hasn't. She is still out there protesting against climate delayers and the climate crisis, it's just that the media has stopped covering her. But why? I think climate justice activist and author Tori Tsui explains the reason behind this very eloquently in this video: 0b6e31572d2a43dd.mp4 "When she [Greta Thunberg] started making the connection between capitalism, colonialism, the genocide, all of these different forms of oppression, she did disappear from mainstream media, because she is getting to the crux of the matter, and the ruling class doesn't want that."
  35. Commercial Noida
    Commercial Noida changed their profile photo
  36. fivestarbathsolutionsofpla
    fivestarbathsolutionsofpla changed their profile photo
  37. fivestarathbismarck
    fivestarathbismarck changed their profile photo
  38. Simon
    Efter 30 Ă„r har nu SJ valt att lĂ€mna Naturskyddsföreningens miljömĂ€rkning Bra miljöval. Anledningen till att SJ valde att lĂ€mna den vĂ€lkĂ€nda miljömĂ€rkningen var för att tĂ„goperatören ville börja anvĂ€nda sig av fossilfri el frĂ„n bland annat kĂ€rnkraft, i stĂ€llet för enbart förnybar el. Vilket det sistnĂ€mnda Ă€r ett krav för att fĂ„ anvĂ€nda mĂ€rkningen Bra miljöval. Sveriges Natur skriver att SJ sade upp avtalet redan i maj förra Ă„ret och att licensavtalet för miljömĂ€rkningen löpte ut i november 2024. Vidare skriver man att SJ valde att gĂ„ över till fossilfri el redan under sommaren, vilket resulterade i att SJ bröt mot avtalet med Bra miljöval och tvingades att betala en okĂ€nd straffavgift till Naturskyddsföreningen. Det Ă€r oerhört trĂ„kigt att SJ efter sĂ„ hĂ€r lĂ„ng tid har valt att lĂ€mna Bra miljöval och sluta anvĂ€nda förnybar el till sina tĂ„g. Och det Ă€r sorgligt att Naturskyddsföreningen nu ocksĂ„ har förlorat en av sina största licenstagare – vilket sĂ€kerligen kommer pĂ„verka miljöföreningens ekonomi. Det Ă€r uppenbart att SJ har valt att börja anvĂ€nda sig av fossilfri el för att det Ă€r billigare Ă€n el frĂ„n förnybara kĂ€llor. Precis som för alla andra har SJ ocksĂ„ drabbats av den senaste tidens kostnadsökningar. Och ja, SJ mĂ„ vara statligt, men tĂ„goperatören har belagts med ett orimligt lönsamhetskrav vilket gör att tĂ„goperatören mĂ„ste minimera sina kostnadsökningar – i stĂ€llet för att satsa pĂ„ grön tĂ„gtrafik för samhĂ€llsnyttans och klimatets skull. Och i dessa tider nĂ€r miljö och klimat tyvĂ€rr inte lĂ€ngre ter sig lika viktigt sĂ„ tĂ€nker nog SJ-ledningen att en övergĂ„ng frĂ„n förnybar el till billigare el frĂ„n kĂ€rnkraftverk Ă€r en PR-skada som de lĂ€tt kan svĂ€lja.
  39. Gorgeous Smiles
    Gorgeous Smiles changed their profile photo
  40. Simon
    I've just updated the link to the WMO article that was broken. Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me about it.
  41. Simon
    Simon replied to YounGMessiah's post in a topic in Feedback and Support
    Thank you for those kind words @Zarahs I agree with you, it's hard for online communities and forums like this one to compete with the big social media sites like Facebook and whatnot. But Green Blog has been online since 2007 (in various forms) and I've seen how fast things can change when it comes to both traffic and engagement. I'm confident that while we - and other forums - are currently experiencing a real and severe downturn, I'm sure we'll still be here in another decade and more thanks to people like you who keep forums active and fun.

Green Blog

Green Blog has been online since 2007. We're a community of people who want to live a greener and more sustainable life.

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