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The Guardian is holding this little online poll were they ask their readers which TV show from the decade 2000-09 was the best. So I thought let have our own little online poll! :)

You can vote for as many TV shows you want!

Here are the contenders:


30 Rock

Arrested Development

Band of Brothers

Battlestar Galactica

Big Brother

Black Books

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Curb Your Enthusiasm



Doctor Who


Family Guy


Flight of the Conchords



Life on Mars


Mad Men


Peep Show

Planet Earth




Six Feet Under

South Park



State of Play

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

The Office

The Shield

The Sopranos

The Thick of It

The West Wing

The Wire

Top Gear

Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! :cute:

If you favorite TV show isn't listed please let us know by posting a reply.

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I don't watch much TV so I have no clue what some of these shows are about.. But I voted for: Band of Brothers, Battlestar Galactica, Dexter, Family Guy, Firefly, Rome, South Park, The Daily Show, The Sopranos and The West Wing

I haven't watched all episodes of Rome, The Sopranos and The West Wing or Dexter. But those episodes I've seen I have enjoyed watching. :)


Haven't watched many of those shows myself. When I do watch TV, they're shows not included on the list. I have watched Planet Earth though. I'm boring I guess.


I've only ever watched one of those shows: The Office (the British version; not the dumbed-down version aimed at Americans).

yeah i used to watch it too though i also like the american one

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