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We just got word that Congress will likely vote on a global warming control bill called the American Clean Energy and Security Act this Friday, June 26. We need your help right now to contact Congress with a simple, clear message:

"The American Clean Energy and Security Act is not strong enough yet to fight the climate crisis - I urge you to support deeper, faster cuts in greenhouse gas pollution and keep the Clean Air Act in place."

Right now Congress is discussing a "solution" that guts our existing legal tools to fight global warming, exempts easily manageable sources of methane from regulation (in total, methane accounts for 20% of human caused-global warming), and sets a greenhouse gas emission target that won't meet the cap supported by leading climate scientists.

If implemented, the bill would give us less than a 50/50 chance of avoiding catastrophic runaway global warming and devastating impacts to humans and other species.

This critical vote is scheduled for Friday, June 26. Click here now to tell Congress that the American Clean Energy and Security Act is not strong enough. A real solution must cut greenhouse gas pollution faster and deeper and preserve the ability of the Clean Air Act to set scientifically-based pollution standards, not allow numerous coal-fired power plants to be built without any additional emissions-reduction requirements.

Leading scientists such as NASA's James Hansen warn that the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere must be reduced to no more than 350 parts per million -- but the American Clean Energy and Security Act sets a goal of more than 450 parts per million.

In response, yesterday 20 climate scientists sent a letter to President Obama and Congress saying that if atmospheric carbon is allowed to reach 450 parts per million, global warming will spin out of control. They called targets in the bill "inadequate to sustain the integrity of global climate and to hold the risk of ruinous climatic change to an acceptably low level."

Some groups believe a flawed bill is better than no bill at all. But given the grim scientific reports of what's already happening, we simply can't accept a bill that will allow global warming to get much worse. We need you to speak out now.

Please click here to send your congressperson an email before Friday June 26 urging them to support deeper, faster cuts in greenhouse gas pollution and keep the Clean Air Act backstop in place.

Thanks for your crucial support, Kierán Suckling

Executive Director

Center for Biological Diversity

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