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The Swedish company Flygbussarna (shortly translated to The Flight Busses), who offers bus services to and from all the major airports in Sweden, has made this very cool advertisement installation next to a highway in Sweden.

The installation is made out of 50 cars stacked together and painted to look like one of Flygbussarna’s busses. It is designed to advertise Flygbussarna’s bus services and to highlight the fact that it’s much more environmentally friendly to travel by bus than in a car.

Yes, great idea, only as long at the bus goes all the same places that the cars go to. Buses have never proven a complete replacement for cars but that may be solved by using smaller buses to get to the smaller locations.... In other words, one size does not fit all unless you are a big bus company.....


Yes, great idea, only as long at the bus goes all the same places that the cars go to. Buses have never proven a complete replacement for cars but that may be solved by using smaller buses to get to the smaller locations.... In other words, one size does not fit all unless you are a big bus company.....

That is true. But you can't have hundreds of small busses going to every little street in the city or outside. That would just make the streets more crowded and the public transportation system would become too expensive far too quickly.


Interesting ad! :)

How many people do get into one bus like that?

I heard if you have 4+ people in a car it's the same as a full bus, emissions-wise (it was an older book I think, so not sure if this still holds true?)

with 40 or 50 people in a bus, only 10 cars would be needed, if all went to the same destination (at the same time).. no? (so not exactly sure how accurate this ad is..? It's VERY COOL though!! & I'm fully for public transport when possible!!)

Are emmissions of 50 cars really equal to one such bus? (Has anyone calculated it?)

Or what was their math?

If 50 people go with their own car each, that's really a terrible waste of resources!!


Thanks Simon!

(I was feeling very guilty when I was travelling as one of 4 or less people in a big bus!!)

Can you post a link or source of this info?

You can find information about that from this Advertising film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5o6oFQwLKA

"Every day thousands of cars are driven to and from Swedish airports. Every car holds only 1,2 persons on average which is to be compared with the Airport Coach that takes over 50. Needless to say, this makes no sense whatsoever from an environmental standpoint. To highlight this, an enormous bus was built out of 50 cars on the side of the highway to the airport. On the website, a live camera not only shows the installation 24/7 but also analyses the image and tracks each and every car going by. This data is then being used to highlight just how much emission we could save just by going by bus instead."

  • 4 years later...

Very very interesting and thought provoking ad! Unfortunately, my country has problems with both - too many cars, and dilapidated buses that run so fast. If officials can only consider purchasing high-quality comfortable vehicles, then we have eliminated one problem.

  • 5 months later...

Obviously one bus is the greener choice to go. The lesser the vehicle running, the lesser the combustion. I saw one video in Facebook before, where they dedicated one fourth of the highway for express buses. It actually saved them billions compared to installing trains and highways which would take longer to get finished.

  • 1 month later...

Even I agree with pot_star that buses are a better choice than cars as it reduces pollution and capital investment. However, many people believe that car is a better option than buses as they take you to the required destinations in lesser time and with greater luxury. I think the government of each country should take up the responsibility to promote travelling in buses for the benefit of the people and the environment. If they provide facilities of better seatings and certain luxuries that are available in cars, then I am sure that people will be interested to think of buses as an option to travel.


 If they provide facilities of better seatings and certain luxuries that are available in cars, then I am sure that people will be interested to think of buses as an option to travel.


Such as free wifi which I've seen on some buses. But I am more than happy if the AC is working properly - especially during the summers! ;)

  • 6 years later...
  • 2 months later...

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