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Sustained Movement Alternative Roadway Transport


A continuously moving automated roadway motor vehicle transport system includes a railway loop having a pair of continuous parallel rails connected by a plurality of elongated tie rods disposed upon a ground surface. An area defined between the pair of rails and ground surface is hydraulically sealed to prevent fluid placed between the rails from escaping. A motor vehicle pathway is mounted on top of the rails to contain the fluid under pressure. The pathway is mounted such that it can move along the railway loop. A motor vehicle operating on a standard bituminous roadway system can proceed onto the moving pathway and be transported along the railway loop. The entrance to the loop would consist of a three step protocol using optical and digital operating and timing devices (see patents) to allow an orderly and logistically expedient entrance to the loop. Exiting the loop would consist of the use of the same technology and protocols to allow an orderly and logistically expedient debarking from the loop. When the operator of the motor vehicle reaches a desired location along the loop he/she may activate the embark/debark protocols through the use of an ultra high frequency notification system.

What is claimed is:

1. A continuously moving automated roadway motor vehicle transport system, comprising: a) a continuous railway loop having a plurality of spaced elongated tie rods connecting a pair of continuous parallel rails, the parallel rails having top, inner and outer side surfaces and a groove formed along a lower portion of each rail outer side surface, the continuous railway loop positioned on a ground surface bed; B) an automated roadway pathway mounted over the pair of continuous parallel rails for supporting motor vehicle traffic, the automated roadway pathway having a top and bottom surface, opposed outer distal edges and a bottom edge of each opposed outer distal edge, each bottom edge having a bead formed thereon for engaging and communicating with the groove of the rail; c) an enclosed area defined below the automated roadway pathway bottom surface, above the top surface of the ground surface bed and between the parallel rail inner side surfaces; d) a hydraulic seal disposed along a bottom portion of the enclosed area over the surface bed top surface and along the parallel rail inner surfaces; e) a fluid retained in the enclosed area between the hydraulic seal and the automated roadway pathway bottom surface; f) a fluid pump communicating with the fluid retained in the enclosed area providing a constant pressure to the fluid creating a fluid flow; and g) a power source providing an electrical source to the fluid pump.


1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates to an intermittent automated motor vehicle transport system. More particularly, it relates to a continuously moving automated roadway type mass transport system with a hydraulically levitated pathway loop for supporting and transporting pedestrians.

2. Background of the Prior Art

Pedestrian transport systems are known in the prior art. Their use has escalated over the years and are typically used in environments that require pedestrians to move great distances by foot from one point to another. For instance, in large airports, continuously moving transport systems are widely used to move travelers from one terminal to another or from the departure and arrival gates to the baggage claim area, parking lots and the ticket counters. These transport systems are typically electrically powered and have mechanical motors which turn rotors or gears which move a tarp like automated roadway along a set of tracks. With recent research and development discoveries Sustained Movement Alternative Roadway Transport is now feasible. The system is logical and energy efficient and will greatly reduce greenhouse emissions.

3. Summary

A continuously moving intermittent roadway system is clearly needed. The system will require a more robust power source using technology already proven within the light rail transit arena. The system should not be limited to indoor environments and in a preferred embodiment be a continuously moving loop which can be employed in an outdoor environment. Such a roadway would greatly benefit a pre-designed or pre-planned town wherein the continuously moving automated roadway could be conveniently located such that all members of the town could easily utilize the automated roadway to transport themselves from their respective homes to other parts of the town including stores, restaurants, schools, workplaces and other transportation systems, such as train stations, bus stops and airports. Such a system would greatly reduce the need for using gas combustion type vehicles in the town as well as alleviate the need for an extensive public transportation system where the transport automated roadway system is conveniently employed. The system would also allow users the freedom to move about within and without the system based on their individual needs.

  • 3 years later...

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