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Hi, I am a student at the University of Pennsylvania, currently enrolled in an Engineering Entrepreneurship class. For our term project, my team is planning to develop a (hypothetical) product – high efficiency windows coated with a dye with PV cells that will generate energy. For our research, we are conducting a conjoint analysis for this product, and it would greatly benefit us if green consumers could fill out the survey for our product.

Here is the link for the consumer survey for those who would be interested in purchasing the product for homes, etc.


Here is the link for the corporate survey for those affiliated with architecture companies, window installers, or companies interested in purchasing the product.


Thank you!


Great to see universities looking at 'green' issues!!

Please make sure you approach them from a REALLY green perspective though!!

I took a look at the survey... You gotta know it's a very simple survey..

In 'real life' I would look at these issues: is it safe?

(I've been chemically sensitive so just because someone says something is green I won't immediately buy it!)

How well researched is it? Studies proving the dyes are safe etc... longterm studies.. if I ever have kids/silly pets, could they lick it? :) Would the windows be fully recyclable?

What benefits are there? Weighing pros & cons..

If I REALLY like something, I'm willing to spend more.. If I don't like it, I won't buy it even if it's cheap.. Hope that helps..?

You also don't explain enough to be able to decide between the different options.. Some of the options offered seem pretty absurd!

Could one just choose some windows like this or 'whole house only'? (eg maybe for bathroom/toilet & some rooms where light is not so important. Could it be combined with light through solar tubes? etc)

How much energy would be generated? etc etc (It's not just about the money, how independent/off-grid & pleasant to live in could a home actually be with these? For people who work outside home, & for people who work from home?)

/If the energy generated would need to be used up for lighting with CFL bulbs, the project makes little or no sense ;))

Is this PURELY hypothetical or 'on its way' to be developed?


I am not really sure but I think "EAS445" is talking about something like this: Transparent glass containing solar cells the future of solar-powered houses?

According to John Bell the transparent solar cells will have a “faint reddish hue” and be “completely see-through.” They will also reduce carbon emissions by 50% and make “a significant difference to home and building owners’ energy costs.”

John Bell even says the house owners would be able to generate excess energy that could be sold or stored for later use.

He said that the solar-powered glass would be on the market in “a few years”.

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