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  • 1 month later...

Stupid it is. But more frustating not even thinking of recycling and thus no respect for the environment. Talking of approximately 460 bottles. Hope the court thinks "green" and told her this as well


Better that she should not tossed bottles anymore not only in that property but in all places. And that should include all other kind of thrash/garbage. A "green" talk or seminar is a good idea for her. ;)


Yeah, I don't this this topic should be pinned to SUV owners, but I just can't stand littering. Did you ever see the streets of New York? I was there and it stunk and there was litter everywhere. That is a good example of what happens if everyone were to do it. However, please don't stereotype SUV users, unless you want to complain about the gas mileage of one of those vehicles. LOL

  • 9 months later...

How could she possibly be surprised about being fined when she is throwing bottles out of her window every day, let along onto someone's garden?! You have got to love the irony of her name :lol:

Some people have no regard for the environment, in the main city near where I live, littering is rampant, but that is hardly surprising with all the council houses and pubs in that area. On friday and saturday nights it becomes a pig sty.


She got to do this for 2 years before anyone ever said anything to her? Wtf?

And yeah, it's not about SUV owners and it's just someone being careless, but I suppose it does somewhat go along with the same mentality.


Haha, her name is rather ironic. SUV owners anger me. There are so many women driving SUV's in my area, all they do is drive to pick up their children from school, they don't need such a big vehicle.

I'm glad she was fined, that should make her think twice about throwing rubbish out the window.

  • 1 year later...

Hahahahaha!!! This is just gold...


In Australia we don't have SUV's that are the same as the American concept, however we do have vehicles such as the Nissan Patrol and Toyota Land cruiser..

An Australian prime minister Paul Keating once called them a pox on our roads... I think he hit the nail right on the head.


I agree that there was no reason for the author of the article to connect the littering in this case with the fact that the woman drives an SUV.


That being said, the topic of this thread caught my eye because honestly, I think owning an SUV is stupid. They waste too much gas, they take up too much room on the street and in parking spaces, and they are unnecessary for most people. There is no reason why people in urban areas need to drive giant trucks, and SUVs are a complete waste of space, in my opinion.


Until we stop viewing our vehicles as extensions of our own vanity, we will continue to see some major environmental problems that are totally preventable.

  • 7 months later...

Okay, the only reason I clicked on this article was because of the title.  Not all SUV drivers are stupid.  The driver was littering.  That was the problem, not her driving on SUV.  And I am someone who owns an van.  I had to have a vehicle large enough for my family plus my equipment for work.  I am NOT vain for needing and wanting a vehicle that fits my family.  Granted, I did my research about the makes of the vans.  I researched who gets the best gas mileage, where the cars were made, etc.  Don't lump all SUV drivers and owners into the "stupid" or "they're unnecessary" box please.

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