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I read this blog post this morning from Aaron and although it is a bit of a rant I couldn't help laughing - he makes some very relevant points... :lol:

"Screw these morons. What we need, Mr. Wagoner, is for people like you to shut the hell up and go home and leave us alone. Alternative energy and transportation is coming, but we don't need morons like you to help it get here. Take your Volt and shove it up your fat, corporate patooty."

Read more: "Aaron's EnvironMental Corner: GM Wants to Bankrupt the Rest of Us Too" - http://aaronsenvironmental.blogspot.com/20...l#ixzz0AxnQLUMM


I could go on and on about the auto industry and debunk most the myths that people spread across the internet about GM. Don't get me wrong, the company did not do a good job at adapting to scale. When other car companies came onto the scene, they just kept building the same amount of cars. This lead to higher rebates on new cars and lower resale for used cars. This alone is why GM is in trouble. It has nothing to do with the cars they build (they get better milage than most apples to apples) and it has nothing to do with the UAW (workers pay is about 10% of the overhead). It's simply that they build to many cars, and have to give up proffits to sell them.

Now the Volt, if it works out, with be far far better than a prius. You have that nice 40 mile buffer on no gas use at all. Most people don't drive 40 miles per day. Do I think it's expensive? Well, at $40K for a car that I would hardly ever have to put gas into... maybe that's a little high, but is having the lower emmissions worth it?

Do I think we should have bailed them out... well yes I agree with that. But keep in mind I live 30 miles from Detroit, so having an even bigger mass failout of jobs isn't something I want in my neck of the world. I think the bailout will end up being cheaper in the long run. It will also be less money than the governement has spent insuring Walmart employees with medicaid/medicare and less money they have spent on the war...

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