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  • 1 month later...

i'm a chemical engineering student and i've never heard of the dark sucker theory.. there doesnt seem to be too much about it on google either.. the concept to me seems rather strange that light emmitters suck dark... i mean if that was the case then there wouldnt be any dark left in the world because the sun would suck all of our dark away?!?

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Author

i mean if that was the case then there wouldnt be any dark left in the world because the sun would suck all of our dark away?!?

Duh! That's explained on the page to which I linked:

Every time a dark sucker operates, it pulls this intrinsic darkness out of all surfaces that are in an unobstructed path to the dark sucker.

A DS can only pull the darkness from a surface at which it's directly pointing and that is why the Earth has periods of daylight and periods of night!

Next question?

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