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Looks interesting, and so does the new Honda Insight. :cute:

Both automakers are set to come out of the current economic situation in good shape just because of models like these. Ford is going to be the winner along with Toyota and Honda in the US market. Ford is set to bring in the cars it is selling in Europe. Chrysler is in talks to sell assets to Renault-Nissan since just one of Toyota's models outsold Chrysler's entire passenger car line(not a good sign). Regardless of where you are in the world, the world of autos is going to change in 2009. I own a Toyota myself, GM and Chrysler cannot compete on MPG and quality with Toyota! B)

  • 3 months later...

looks to me like honda have ripped off the actual car design from toyota as the insight looks incredibily similar

Would not be the first time in the auto industry and you do have to admit, that is one way to lower development costs. :D

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