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I haven't been to the movies for a ling time. The price has sky rocketed and I only go if there's a special occasion. How often do you go?


I don't really go to the movies much anymore either. I tend to only go if there's a movie I really want to watch on.

If I am going to the movies I try my best to get the best possible price. I often go see matinees, especially if it's a 3D movie. I also try to pick movies that I want to see that often will look better and more impressive in the theater (say Transformers 3 over Bridesmaids).


Same as you, I have not been in the cinemas for a long time. I would only watch movies if I am too interested and if my friends will invite me. It was getting expensive and it would not be practical to watch often. I could wait for those movies to be shown in our local TV. ;)


Well where I live, we have a couple choices, which are... The dollar theater which actually plays new movies as soon as it leaves the normal theaters, Cinemark and Carmike. Carkmike is still relatively cheap especially if you have a student id or military id which I have both, so I only pay 5 bucks which is not bad IMO. Cinemark you are paying like 9 bucks for a ticket, then popcorn and such, that is already 20 bucks or so for just 1 person..

I don't go as often as I used to or like to, but the prices are high for everything at a theater. I would say I go about 1-3 times every 3-9 months.

I got a friend who brings bootlegs back from Iraq or Afghanistan as well and sometimes we watch those to save money lol...


The last movie I saw with my husband was the second Harry Potter movie. Other than that we go to the movies maybe once or twice a year. And we only go if there is something really good. As of late nothing good. Plus by the time we pay for a ticket get snacks and drinks it's at around $30 or more. It's ridiculous what they charge people nowadays for going to see a movie.


I think about 1-4 times a year depending on the movies. So far I have watched 2 this year. I love going to see movies, but as has already been mentioned, the price is pretty high. Though being a big movie nerd there have been a period of 5-6 years where I haven't gone at all.

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