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Hey there , this is my first post

I am Egyptian citizen and we already in Egypt are having big environmental issue and unfortunately it seems that the whole world does not care about it despite its importance. All I want is just to spread the news because I feel we are alone , this is not less than our political issues ,it is about life

We do not have an actual environmental awareness in Egypt thanks to our media and education system ,yet our people know very what can harm their environment and they try to stand against , for years now many places in Egypt were destroyed because of pollution and people could not do anything because of the government .

Here is the case and the issue

The Canadian Company Agrium made a deal with the Egyptian government to build a highly pollutant factory on the Mediterranean sea near the coastal city of Ras El-Bur at Damitta governate, already this deal is highly suspicious, there is on going talk of corruption and bribes in the deal. The people of Damietta refused the factory and they are trying in all possible ways to close this chemical factory which will have disastrous impacts on the environment there , the people of Damietta for the first time stood defending their city for environmental reasons , they organized themselves and till this moment they are standing in a way amazed even us all the activists , no political forces organized them. These are people who showed a huge environmental awareness like no other

They made a huge protests , they boycott the factory and they succeeded to express their anger ,thank Goodness the governor is on their side , of course he is afraid , last week there was 5000 people in front of his office

on the other hand the Canadian company does not want to leave , already they are threatening and blackmailing Egypt as poor country , that if they have to leave that this would effect Egypt's ability to attract foreign investments.

All I am asking is just some kind of spreading the news , because unfortunately it seems the foreign reporters are more interested in the workers protests and strikes than this

Already I blog in English about the Egyptian issues and I am covering this case since day one :

Here are some links that will give more information about the case , the locations and the updates:

- We are the people of Damietta

- We the people of Damietta 2

- On the earth's day a victory for Ras El-Bar

-The Canadian Agrium Blackmail

There are more posts about the issue to come

Again all I am asking is a just a little attention to what is happening in this part of the world

Thanks for your time


And here we see yet another example of greedy capitalistic companies trying to blackmail and take advantage of an poorer and less developed country.

I hope the people of Damietta, and Egypt, will stand their ground and refuse to be treated like garbage.

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