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People have been telling SUV owners for years now that their cars are a bad idea, but I guess it took gasoline price hikes for some to start listening:


"The cars are literally just sitting, and it doesn't matter how much you sell them for," Fernandez says of the SUVs and trucks nobody wants anymore.

Nice link! :)

Now just imagine if the USA had similar gas prices like Europe several years ago. Then you would have made this change a long time ago. Well. Better late than never I guess.. :halo:

What can you say? Money talks! :thoughtful:


So what does all this say us? Well, many things actually. But most important of all it shows that if the market was in control we would see change. But the change would come too late.

The American car-fetish is steadily starting to cost its true value. Better late than never I guess.

You can read my blog post about this here: Positive changes in light of increased gas prices in the USA


Do you think we can hope that soaring gas prices will affect the whole car industry? Maybe people will be generally concerned about wheather they should buy even the smallest car.. Will they have enough money in the future for the gas it needs?

Here in Greece prices aren't that high yet, but people already complain about having to pay more and more.

Maybe the high prices will lead people to public means of transport.. ( am I too optimistic?)

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