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Do you still manage to have some plants even you get too busy or there are no enough space in your yard?

We used to have space for some vegetable plants before but it was later transformed to become part of the house. We now have some small plants like fortune plant placed in a plastic container.


Our land sucks, we suffered from a couple decent sized floods and with the dry heat, our land is damaged and we don't grow much.

We do have a tree and some shrubs we planted in the front which are awesome! In the backyard we grow some vegetables, such as jalapenos, squash, tomatoes, etc..


Yeah! Because we live here in the province, we have some space left for gardening. Right now, we have golden duranta, some other ornamental plants, coconut tree, and tomato plant. We also have chili planted in our yard which saves us money instead of buying one from the market. I also want to plant more veggies and fruits so that we can get it fresh straight from our garden. But I think I need more time for it to be done.


I live in an apartment so I don't have a yard. We have many trees and plants back at my parents' home though. My favorite tree was the apple one.

Hey that doesn't stop you from getting some pots and growing something! Ferns are really good for airborne toxins, so I would suggest that for your apartment.


I live in an apartment so I can't grow vegetables but in my parent's house we have a big yard where we can plant eggplant, watermelon, tomatoes, potatoes and lettuce. I love to see those veggies grow. It makes me excited to really know that's what they look like.

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Hey that doesn't stop you from getting some pots and growing something! Ferns are really good for airborne toxins, so I would suggest that for your apartment.

It was a very nice suggestion. ;)

There are some plants that can grow inside the house or just in the balcony just like ferns and palmera plant.

You could also try some plants that could live in the water.


Right now my garden is not full like it was last year, only because I didn't have the time to plant this spring. Last year I had strawberries, beans, tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, basil, lavender, rosemary, sunflowers, roses, lilac, radishes and lettuce. I love to garden and hopefully next spring can make the time to make it look nice. Last year we had a great crop and I miss not having the fresh stuff to cook for.

  • 2 months later...

There are some trees in the garden: palms, avacado, mango, passion fruit, lychee. A guava and coffee plant, for the rest chillies, onions, chou chous. And many flowers: roses, begonias, etc.

  • 1 month later...

Mostly I have fruits trees in my backyard, we have planted 2 orange trees, 3 mango tree, 1 blueberry, a few bananas and 2 avocado tree. The rest of the space as a flower garden and a play ground come family ground. We also have a small space left for panting vegetables like spinach, carrots tomatoes and onions.


Ooooohhhhh, I greatly envy those of you with gardens -- I miss having one since moving to an apartment :(

I did, however, put in a tiny flower bed across the front under the bay window last season, though! I planted dwarf marigolds, which are covered with tons of continuous blooms until the first snow hits.

Most folks don't know that all parts of the marigold is edible, and that even the blooms of many varieties are quite tasty in salads ;) Which of course is another good reason for NOT using chemicals. Besides, something nearly everyone knows is that marigolds are natural pesticides in and of themselves ;)


We used to have a garden on our old ancestral residence until we moved to the City. Now, we can only afford to plant on flower pots. :) There is a vacant space of land in front of our house but it isn't our land, my mom asked permission if we could use the small space to plant veggies or flowers in front. Hopefully they'll consent to what we would like to do. :)


We have a large number of plants in our yard/garden....of many different species etc. I would think are easily hundreds. We have been focusing on getting mainly plants that are water-wise, do not really need much water.

We do have some trees too like paw-paw, lemon and banana trees - we eat the most delicious fruit from them. There are just normal tress like jacarandas and Joshua trees. Shrubs, bushes, plants, flowers and herbs. That is it!

  • 5 months later...

I have mostly grass in my yard. The garden that I have is normally planted with tomatoes and other food items that me and my family like to eat all the time! I know, not very decorative, but well worth it!

  • 2 months later...

I dont have a yard but I have tomatoes, herbs, peppers and a few others in pots and window boxes. You dont need a huge yard to grow just a sunny patio or window!

Now that's pretty cool. But do you get any meaningful amounts of tomatoes and herbs from that - or do you have them more because it looks nice?

Also, photos would be nice. ;)


We started growing vegetables and herbs a few years ago. We had a big pond at the end of our garden and we decided to drain it, fill it and convert it into a vegetable patch. It was a wise decision because we have saved hundreds on vegetables and you can't beat freshly grown veg. We grow lots of other colourful plants which I don't know the name of, they look pretty and the bees enjoy a feast!


I have all sorts of plants in my yard and garden. Right now I have a banana tree, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, jalepenos and squash. I have tons of palm trees and aloe vera plants. I do have a plum tree in the front yard too. My neighbor has lemon, orange and lime trees so we swap produce all of the time.


Do you still manage to have some plants even you get too busy or there are no enough space in your yard?

We used to have space for some vegetable plants before but it was later transformed to become part of the house. We now have some small plants like fortune plant placed in a plastic container.

We have a lone peach tree that my parents helped me plant in our backyard. We also have a few indoor plants including a small aloe plant and some bamboo. My goal for next spring is to start and maintain a small container garden with onions, peppers, and possibly a few herbs. My daughter will be 2 by then and I think this would be a great hands-on learning experience for her (and me).


We have so many plants and vegetables growing in our back garden. To name a few:



Spring Onions



My dad has become very keen on becoming hunter gatherer and provider for the family..

  • 1 year later...

I live on an acre of land, but most of it is a little hard to cultivate because the ground is so hard, I do have a pretty big garden though.  I love to grow spinach and zucchini and tomatoes.  I also have a flower bed that I plant a lot of vegetables in as well.  I am pretty fortunate because I get to have this and I don't have to buy a lot of produce.


I have a fairly decent yard for living in town, about a quarter acre all together, and have a nice vegetable garden out back. I'm slowly but surely chipping away at the lawn, adding more fruit and berries and sneaking pretty veggies into the ornamental beds, but I do maintain a fairly large chunk of the yard as lawn for the kids and dogs to enjoy. I would like to eventually replace the grass with a no-mow groundcover but I always seem to run out of time, energy, or money before tackling that project. 

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