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I had made this thread to share what i am feeling at this very moment. ;)

I have so insensitive neighbors that are certified alcoholics who are almost if not daily are having drinking sessions just near my place. They sing along so loud and they do not care if they are the nosiest people around even it is already midnight or morning hours. I need patience! Lol

So, how are you today?


lol have you ever tried talking to them??

I am doing alright just a really boring day! Been playing games, watching movies, chatting and doing homework.. Might go play some Basketball soon

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Hi, yes i had talked to them face to face, one on one what ever kind of talk they like it to be. The rain this past few days had helped me washed them away somehow. ;)


At this exact moment, I'm very happy. I just had another amazing day with my girlfriend and I am looking forward to another tomorrow. It's also calmly raining outside, which I really enjoy. Today has been a great day.

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lol gotta love the tranquil rain

Yes right, i am loving it but would not wish for daily rains since some places here are flooding. Do not want to be selfish though. Lol.

haha Great reason to create this thread :) I'm OK right now haha. I've been feeling amazingly great these past days. I like it.

Yes, this thread help me feel a bit relieved. ;)

It is good to know you are so happy today...


LOL Zara, I know exactly how you feel. My neighbors a lot like yours. Even if a party is not happening, they tend to scream at each other with just normal conversations. I don't know if they don't hurt they throat but I am the one who gets tired of the screaming that they do. They also love to sing and the karaoke would be really loud.

Well, anyways I just feel a bit tired today. But apart from that, everything's fine.

I just hope that tomorrow, it would be just the same. :)


Best wishes for a speedy recovery ;)

Today I feel rushed and decent feeling lol, woke up thinking it was 1400, when it really was 10:30, only freaked out because I have class at 1400.

  • 10 years later...

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