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  • 2 months later...

Is this sold in farm drug shops or something ?

I don't spray, don't weed and am slowly working on no digging and what not. Totally Fukuoka style !

I use Tagetes and German Chamomile to fight some pests !

For some snails are a problem. Well don't put a fuck*ng composter next to your garden I guess... :blink:


Hehe Simon and my grandmother says those bring luck :) Coccinellidae :D

They eat everything ! Nature is wonder on its own. We don't need to put any pesticide, even with eco prefix. Especially if it comes with ECO ;)


I've heard these little cuties can do wonders:

They are called ladybirds in the english language if Im not wrong?

yeah, that's true. They eat the parasites that are trying to eat the plant


One trick against snails I learned from my aunt. Just put smashed egg shells around the plants or flowers and the snails won't go there. Sounds strange but it did work. :) I usually go to some UK flowers shops or some local gardening store and ask them for advice. Normally they are really willing to help and since we're talking about eco-friendly they love to share their knowledge.


Wow Lilly that is some nice trick, one that I never heard of. Will sure try this and report how it goes. I don't seem to have problems with snails but my lady's mother has lots of them. Well I told her she should not keep composter right next to the garden ( it drives snails there ) but she wouldn't listen :D

Let's see how egg shells go...

  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I am reluctant about 'eco friendly' pesticides & herbicides & such too..

If you watched the movie: 'The World according to Monsanto' (excellent film, I highly recommend it!!) you saw that Monsanto made an 'eco' weed killer that was later on found toxic - & there were lawsuits against false advertising!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roundup

Some effects may be long-term so anything new on the market is, well - hmm? to be proven..

If you do find anything in the shops, research it extensively & ALWAYS read the small print!!

Ideally, one would live without the iffy chemicals.. My parents still use some (especially for the peaches, Dad says we'd have nothing without some spraying..)

There are some DIY eco variants too, yeah.. like from herbs etc.

About snails, I also read coffee on the ground (remains after cooking) can divert them, or sawdust?

(we have compost next to the garden too, so it may be a factor indeed!) My Mum put boiling water on some of the snails & slugs & then put the concoction around the endangered piece of the garden - she says there are less snails & slugs there now! (not sure if this is the effect of the potion or of the fact she picked them up & boiled them?)

A friend who took courses in biodynamics says they make a concoction out of any 'bad pests' - special procedure.. apparently even deer stayed away after someone made this with a piece of deer skin?

/it does sound slightly unbelievable though - but who knows?/


What can anyone tell me about biopesticides? I read about one and would just like to hear from someone with more expertise and experience in this area before I became a fan.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sattlerclothing.com/blog/2007/12/05/agraquest-gets-20-million/">http://sattlerclothing.com/blog/2007/12 ... 0-million/</a><!-- m -->

As for the original post - I googled 'AgraQuest toxic' & this came up:

http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/01/09/18560307.php quoting from http://davisvanguard.blogspot.com/2009/01/...or-january.html

A toxic dump site has recently been exposed in Davis, California and a hearing will be held. The issue of the dumping of toxic material at the Pam Marrone owned Agraquest may also come up in this public hearing.

How eco were they then really...?! :huh::mellow:

/not sure how accurate the sites above are, just googled them up.. which is what I recommend everyone do if thinking about a pesticide, herbicide or whatever../

  • 11 years later...
On 11/20/2020 at 8:43 PM, Simon said:

I've never heard about that before. How does that work? 

You mix used coffee grounds (from 2-3 coffees, not more) with soil, some 10cm bellow the ground. I used it to deter caterpillars and it worked.


On 11/20/2020 at 8:43 PM, Simon said:

I've never heard about that before. How does that work? 


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