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I used to collect old postal stamps since high school years. I also collect some old coins and old paper money. I still keep my collections until now.

Do you have any collection? ;)


I collect bags of every kind. My collection consist of hand bags, tote bags, makeup bags, sewing bags, and so many more. I can't help myself, I love having a bag for everything. Silly I know, but it's just me. :wub:


I used to collect stamps, coins and stationary when I was in high school but all those were lost when we transferred homes. I was misplaced and I stopped collecting them ever since. I was discouraged and sad. :(

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I used to collect stamps, coins and stationary when I was in high school but all those were lost when we transferred homes. I was misplaced and I stopped collecting them ever since. I was discouraged and sad. :(

It was sad to know what happened to your collections. I make sure my collections are always with my most valuable things like my diplomas or photographs so that i could never forget where do i placed them and remember to bring them. Hope you could still find the motivation to start another collection again.


Sports cards and coins.

My Dad used to buy me sports cards as a kid so I have amassed a collection. I've kept it up and buy cards whenever I see cheap packs.

I also like coins, the value, and the history, so I keep any old and/or unusual coins I find.


Well I use to collect coins, but after awhile I had to use them. I was collecting the new quarters that had all the states on the back of them. I was so excited to do that, but after awhile I actually needed them, so they were a little harder to collect then I thought haha. I use to collect stamps as well and I had a blast collecting those, but after awhile i just got tired of collecting stuff haha. I mean you would have so much stuff that it would be better just to look at them and that's it. I cannot collect a lot of stuff anymore because I will just end up throwing them away.


As a child, I used to collect Pokemon cards. I was so passionate about it, I currently have around 2000 cards. Now, I collect bracelets and wrist bands. They are given away free in many places, so I thought it would be a good thing to collect.


I used to be a huge fan of Nascar and would collect items for my favorite drivers. Once I moved out on my own, got married, most of that stuff went into storage. I don't honestly have anything right now that I collect. I try to keep my house clutter free. With two young children, I want them to have the room to play and not feel as though they are in a house of glass.


I collect bills from other countries. I think it's a very interesting way to kind of capture the essence or at least a small part of a country's culture.

Hey that's a nice idea. I think I'll try that. I have a friend who collects sand from every part of the world he has been to.

I kinda want to have a movie collection, but I don't have the money for it.


I collect used books, mainly sci-fi and fantasy novels. I also collect video games. I am now collecting a few comic books, but that's just to sell them because I got a killer deal.


Well, not sure you would consider this collecting but as of late it seems like I am getting more and more chickens. I live out in the country so we have chickens for fresh eggs. They are addicting.

However, whenever my husband and I go out to a touristy place I like to collect the pennies or quarters that get mashed and have some scene on them. I would say that's really the only thing I collect.


I collect books. I love reading and like to have the physical copies of what I've read in the past. They remind me of certain parts in my life. I also love the way they smell, even if it might sound odd that I'm admitting that :). In the past, when I was younger I collected anything from breath mints to erasers. I was an odd little girl.

  • 2 months later...

Sounds FUNNY but I collect Fridge magnets :unsure:

And my favorite item lip balm containers with lip balm ( all natural ) of course old and new have some real trendy ones for the girls too. :o

If interested send me a message.


I used to collect old postal stamps since high school years. I also collect some old coins and old paper money. I still keep my collections until now.

Do you have any collection? ;)

Same as you stamps, coins and banknotes. Some of the them are quite old, but I never bothered to find out the value of the collections. But still keep them in a safe place.

  • 2 months later...

I used to have a collection of limited edition X-Men cards. from the original members to the hundreds other character that came out, even Cyclops and Jean's daughter Oracle (if I remember correctly) who was stolen from the future. I went to school with these cards and wuhluh, when my classmates saw my collection they all picked 5 cards each and my collection was gone. I think I still have a couple of 'em left, but I've probably misplaced them as I lost interest when they've been "stolen".

  • 2 years later...

I used to collect old vases and jars some years ago, but then I had to move and I had no room for them. I gave them all away and have never started another collection. I need to think about that. A collection can be a wonderful thing.

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