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Are you doing some simple things daily to help save our environment?

As much as possible, i reuse materials like plastic bags and do not just throw them away. I also try to reuse the water from a shower or water used in washing clothes to clean the bathroom or the patio. When it rains,

i also collect water and used it for cleaning purposes.


Well I am doing whatever I can as well. I have to say where I live they don't care anymore it is like the trash cans do not support the recycling thing anymore. You know the big brown trash cans that use to say add bottles here for recycling well they just throw them away now I guess. All I do is take the bottles and plastic bags to a certain place here and put them in the recycling bins that they provide. I hate that you have to go clear across town to recycle your items when they should be everywhere haha. :)


Are you doing some simple things daily to help save our environment?

As much as possible, i reuse materials like plastic bags and do not just throw them away. I also try to reuse the water from a shower or water used in washing clothes to clean the bathroom or the patio. When it rains,

i also collect water and used it for cleaning purposes.

My mother taught me how to reuse water and I agree, reusing water for cleaning toilets, cleaning hallways and bathing dogs are one way of saving our environment. We also don't throw plastic bags right away, we reuse them to segregate biodegradable from non-biodegradable trash then dispose them. Before when my daughter was still infant, I use cloth diapers during day and only use disposable diapers during the night. :)


I always save plastic bags to reuse them. I also always ride my bike whenever possibly to avoid pollution. And I do my best to not waste water on unneeded showers. I also recycle as much as possible.


When shopping in the grocery, I use cloth shopping bags instead of plastics. I also plant once in a while in our garden. Plastic materials that can still be used are what I recycle into more useful things like pencil holder, picture frames, and ornaments. That way, they won't just be added to the waste in the dumpsites.


I do major recycling. I make sure that everyone on my street recycles and we get a truck to pick up our stuff every 2 weeks. It's a great way to show the community that it's a lot easier if we all put a little from out part.


  1. My husband and I do some. We do recycle aluminum cans. Any garbage that is burnable we will burn. We live out in the country so burn what we can even though it really isn't legal. Leftover food gets given to the chickens or if not edible gets given to the worms for my worm bin to compost. I currently don't work so don't drive much. Use the green bags you can buy at grocery stores instead of getting paper or plastic bags when shopping. I don't always have my bags with me so if I don't the bags that are given to me we usually find a way to recycle those.

Nowadays, I am not using plastic bags for my shopping and groceries. From time to time, I take my bike to work and this helps me to reduce my carbon footprint and I do some exercises at the same time. I have also started to sort out my trash for recycling and I do hope more people in my neighborhood will follow suit.

  • 3 months later...

Am making my degradable rubbish to make my own compost which I then use in my backyard garden. I grow my own vegetables like spinach and tomatoes, carrots and spring onions.


I think it is vital on all levels that we live in harmony with our environment - we are living succesfully on this planet, Gaia...only because it is being allowed. Any guest that does not behave is kicked out eventually. I love Earth and we do all we can to live happily and in harmony with her...making her more beautiful by planting plants and trees that provides so much oxygen for us.

We recycle and reuse everything and I never buy over-packaged goods - in fact, it annoys me greatly. We also have our own compost heap which feeds the ground for the plants and trees to grow.

I LOVE that so many of you are re-using and catching water - so important.

It is just about being aware.

  • 2 years later...

I reuse my plastic bags and try not to buy them too often. I reuse water and I have led lights. I also reuse my water from washing or cooking for plants etc. We recycle glass and plastic and make crafts with some of these.

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