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It can't be much worse Simon,all our forests have been burnt...Maybe in other countries the problem isn't that big,so they can have worse...But we...I don't think we can reach a lower bottom icon_cry.gif


It can't be much worse Simon,all our forests have been burnt...Maybe in other countries the problem isn't that big,so they can have worse...But we...I don't think we can reach a lower bottom

I don't want to be unpleasant but it can be worse, after the fires your economy might sunk due to cost of reconstruction and reforestation


I don't want to be unpleasant but it can be worse, after the fires your economy might sunk due to cost of reconstruction and reforestation

what cost??? the government is giving 3000 euros to those who lost their homes, to make out the next weeks and fix whatever they can, when a regular pament is around 700 euros per month!!! With these money they won't make anything!!!!

these money won't even last for my little house!!! What help can it bring to others with bigger houses?

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Of course they suck,I was telling you that all the time!What on earth can a homeless person do with 3000 euros??And you know most of them wont get this sum,they will get less...


Of course they suck,I was telling you that all the time!What on earth can a homeless person do with 3000 euros??And you know most of them wont get this sum,they will get less...

Exactly!!! Now that I have the right to vote I definately won't vote for them!!!

But 3000 euros??? Every time I hear it, it breaks my heart, coz half of my family leaves there, and it's gonna be so hard for them!!!


It was far worse than the way it is shown at the picture,but anyway,I hope that after our light rainfall it's going to be OK... icon_smile.gif

It's never gonna be ok from now on... These forests need at least 100-200 years to be as before and I don't think they will survive for 100 years!!! I went yesterday to pelloponisos again and it was still awful!!! I still see smokes around the mountains!!! It's just awful...

  • 2 months later...
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You shouldn't be that pessimistic,godfather...we try to save our earth,those few people who care...if you already believe we are not going to make any difference,you will never succeed.We try having success in our minds...


You shouldn't be that pessimistic,godfather...we try to save our earth,those few people who care...if you already believe we are not going to make any difference,you will never succeed.We try having success in our minds...

I am very pessimistic.. I don't think we will be able to tackle global warming. But that is not an argument not to try to change the world.

But we also need to prepare for the worst kind of scenario before our civilizations falls apart.

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