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Today I bought a coupon with which I will neutralize 4 tons a year for the next four years... I am wondering if anyone has already thought in this direction, and if you have ever heard anything about it??? It cost me 500€, I mean I wanted to at least neutralize my footprint a little and help the planet.

Yes, I paid for a coupon for a project that will produce 30gw daily and store 20gw of electricity, The coupon is supposed to be from saved emissions, and it would save an additional emission from the production of thermal energy from circular economy, Electricity only for households is supposed to cost only 0.05c per kwh and it is supposed to show solidarity with people in the event that they recycle and they use local transport most of the time, It is supposed to change the lives of three million people and show that it is possible to save the planet, it is supposed to be a test on a larger scale, for decades the motto has been that it won't happen today, but maybe it will tomorrow.... That's why I bought the coupon, because if the project succeeds, there will probably be a big change among people, so that something can really change together, Before it really is too late for all of us.


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