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I remember reading some newspaper, or watched it on some news channel, 8-10 years ago, can't remember as my memory sux. A Filipino inventor was able to successfully invent a car that uses and runs on water as fuel. The right to his invention was sold to and bought by a foreign company. Ever since then I have not heard any news on that invention.

I wonder if it was put into good use? If I remember it correctly, the smoke the car releases isn't as polluted as cars running on diesel or gas as fuel. I can't remember if it was an expensive technology or process but.. using water as fuel? I think twould be a good alternative.

Your thoughts on this?


I think I had watched that too in the news years ago.

And it might not become that successful since if it is, it becomes popular online or been shown in different news local and abroad. Hope it could still be a possibility since water is lot cheaper and earth friendly than fuel. Specially if it will not require too clean water.

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I think I had watched that too in the news years ago.

And it might not become that successful since if it is, it becomes popular online or been shown in different news local and abroad. Hope it could still be a possibility since water is lot cheaper and earth friendly than fuel. Specially if it will not require too clean water.

It was popular for a while but the government didn't support his idea. The people back then were more concerned of politics than "green-o-volution". :P It's a shame.

Anyhow, yes, I slightly remember than it didn't have to be clean water to run the car. The car was even put to a test drive and it was working well.

  • 7 months later...

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