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Have you witnessed the lunar eclipse last night?

I actually thought I would not be able to see it since the sky seems not to be clear earlier in the evening. But luckily it becomes clearer as the lunar eclipse starts until the total lunar eclipse had happened. It was really nice to be able to see such kind of natural phenomenon.


My dad was able to witness this lunar eclipse you are talking about. I remember twas a full moon that night, too bad I didn't hear from the news that there will be a lunar eclipse. :( However, my dad was outside chilling. He told us the next morning about the lunar eclipse but, we weren't sure he was seeing right. LMAO. Could be just the clouds you know.

  • 2 years later...

Oh wow! So that was the thing I saw yesterday night! I was honestly thinking, "how beautiful is this" I didn't even know a lunar eclipse was occurring yesterday. Nice to know I had some sort of part in it.

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