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What kind of shows you really enjoy watching?

Personally I do enjoy watching reality shows such as singing contests, cooking shows and talent shows. I also enjoy watching news shows such as local evening news.

Some of my favorite shows are X factor and Got Talent shows.


I really like comedy shows - anything lighthearted that can make me laugh is an outright winner! Other than comedy shows I used to like supernatural shows like Heroes (before it lost the plot) and Lost (before it also lost the plot).

Now, I am sticking with comedies...they are quick and can fit into any busy schedule and it is difficult to lose the plot eg: 30 Rock, The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, 2 and a half men etc. We will see, that is how it goes now.... :rolleyes:

  • 2 weeks later...

I like watching CSI series and its other franchises, CSI: NY and CSI MIAMI. My cousin usually joke around teasing me about my having a criminal mind. :huh: I find CSI interesting, I don't think being a girl, my interest in watching series like that should be thought offensive or be misunderstood as me having the mind of a criminal. I am a fan of Early Edition, I watched each and every episodes a couple of times. I love HOUSE too, I have DVD copies of all 6 season of this series, I'm lacking season 7. :(


I don't really watch TV. But I have a thing for spy dramas. So I am currently watching Nikita (american remake) and Burn Notice (bad acting).

If you are into science-fiction you should really check out Battlestar Galactica. Cheesy name, I know! But it's actually a very, very good scifi drama. Just be sure its the modern remake and not the 80's trash tv show.

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