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Foods these days have become quite harmful for health as they are grown with the help of pesticides and other chemicals to increase their productivity, hence farmers reap better profit from them. Choosing to buy organic food is the best and the only alternative. However, organic foods are quite expensive, and people, in general, cannot afford them.


Hence, is there any method to detect pesticide grown food? If you know which foods are grown with the help of pesticide, you can take the required to step to at least reduce the amount of chemicals used for growing the vegetables.



I'm not sure there really is a way unless you know the farm and can research it. I like to buy food from the farmers market during the summer so I know it is local and fresh.


I would research the farm or company. Most of the time, plants that have not been sprayed with pesticides have small spots of imperfections. They are still fine, taste great, and look good but not like waxed food. Sometimes you can smell the chemicals on the food.

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