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I would like to be the solar panel installers. :P

And could consider those other jobs for alternative source of energy rather than cleaning up the mess made up by people who seems not to put enough safety for destructive sources of energy.


I think I would also go with the solar installation fellow. He looks happy because he is saving this mother earth of ours and am sure I will be happy too. Also the wind turban guy is saving the environment and installing the turban to use what God gave us for free.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think I would also go with the solar installation fellow. He looks happy because he is saving this mother earth of ours and am sure I will be happy too.

I pity the guys on the left side though.. They're risking their life for something which is mostly for the benefit the CEO's, the bad side of it the negative effect is causing catastrophic changes. :3

  • 1 year later...

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