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Looking for a new wallpaper? Check out these amazing Bing homepage images

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Are you looking for a new wallpaper to your computer, phone or tablet? Check out these amazing wallpaper-sized images from Bing.




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Wow, bing is my favourite search engine

I also use Bing because I don't like the new changes Google has made to their search engine. There also need to be a second big search engine, Google can't have a monopoly on it! It's just too bad that the international version (be it the Canadian, Swedish or Italian) of Bing is severely lacking in features. The US version gets all the love from MS. :(


I'm devoted to Microsoft


Then I guess you also have a Windows phone!?  :lol:


Well, there are few of us who use Bing. I don't like Google monopoly but it's true that Bing international version still has some lacks.


Then I guess you also have a Windows phone!?  :lol:

I have a Lumia, which has Windows Phone 8 :)

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