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I've been thinking it's time to be green in just small ways.  Will switching from cotton to bamboo really do anything? I've heard it's more ecofriendly

  • 1 month later...

I have never heard of this, but it sure is food for thought. Surely it will be eco-friendly, but is cotton not also eco-friendly? i suppose one would have to find which one is the most eco-friendly. Do you even get bamboo towels?


I recently saw an episode of Shark Tank in which someone was marketing reusable "paper towels" although I think they were made of another material. You can was a reuse them up to 10 times.


My sense of humor says the answer to your question would be "frog towels" since they are green, but I know that is not what you meant.  I have heard of the bamboo towels on Shark Tank, but I have never seen them used.  I think it would be more eco-friendly and more economic to use cotton towels.  They wash over and over.  They would not have to be shipped in from overseas.  That is my train of thought.  Someone please correct me if I am wrong. 

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