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How eco-friendly are the cleaning products at the market?


Cleaning is one of the most important things you can do with your time and I'm surprised it's not actually the nation's favorite pastime. Forget talking about politics, sports and watching TV (or whatever people waste their time with these days) – cleaning has a much bigger recreational value than all of them put together. All you have to do in order to see that is stop looking at it as a chore and realize it's a hobby, just like playing golf, collecting post cards or recreating Minas Tirith with legos. As such, it has to be respected. I hope people finally realize this some day. But I'm not here to talk about the importance and entertainment value of cleaning – they are self-evident. I am here to talk about the products that make carrying out the process of sanitation and disinfection possible – cleaning detergents. Detergents are one of the biggest achievements of mankind in the last several tens of years. However, even though we've advanced a lot in the last few decades, one might say that we are slowly falling a victim to our own success. You see, cleaning products are always good, but some cleaning products are better than others. Some of them are eco-friendly and others – not so much. But how eco-friendly are quality domestic cleaners products on the market?

Commercial cleaning products

Most commercial grade cleaning products contain various chemicals that when mixed can be dangerous and even though all of them are good for cleaning purposes, not all of them are a healthy and environmentally friendly. Some of them transpire irritating fumes and you're sensitive enough, you can feel anything from minor discomfort to a burning feeling in your lungs. That's why it's a bad idea to use them if you are sensitive. Some of them can be really dangerous when mixed, so you should never do that because you never know what kinds of chemicals you can't pronounce those products contain (unless you're a chemist – then not only will you be able to pronounce them, but you will also know what they mean, what they do and how they would react with each other).

I've never liked commercial cleaning products, to be honest. Not only can they be dangerous and harmful for the environment (although admittedly good for cleaning), I've always preferred making my own cleaning materials since I feel it's more personal this way and I always know what they contain. Like I said, commercial cleaning products can be dangerous. If you need any proof, you should look no further than the fact that there are products being marketed as “eco-friendly” and selling really well for that reason. People care about the environment and nature and are ready to do everything in order to make sure their hobby isn't causing any harm.

Eco-friendly cleaning products

Eco-friendly cleaning products are what the name implies – ecologically and environmentally friendly. Most of them are biodegradable, which means that they cause no harm and can be disintegrated by natural means. Eco-friendly cleaning products are definitely the way to if you care about the environment. The truth is that if a product doesn't say it's environmentally friendly, it's because it isn't, which on the other hand means it can be dangerous. Always go for the green and natural and you can't go wrong.


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