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photo-1583345237708-add35a664d77?ixlib=rRenovating your home is often an invigorating experience. You get all the benefits of a move without having to actually change locations. New features and a fresh design give you a sense of rebirth, and you’ll likely look back at the renovation as a major milestone in your life. Beyond all the personal benefits, renovations are also a great way to make your home more eco-friendly, thereby shrinking your carbon footprint and making you a better global citizen. By incorporating these four “green” elements in your renovation, you’ll make your home a place you can truly be proud of.

Solar Panels


Scientists and climatologists have spent decades urging humanity to invest in renewable energy and cut down on the use of fossil fuels. There’s no better way to help that process than by installing solar panels in your home. By harvesting energy from the sun, you can power your home and even create surplus energy for the grid. The panels are not only great for the environment, but they’ll also save you a bundle on your monthly utility bills.

Use Non-Toxic Materials


A renovation requires a lot of materials, and in many projects the components are laden with toxic chemicals. Paints and materials with toxins are as bad for the environment as they are for your health. Luckily, there are plenty of non-toxic options on the market, and you can use them exclusively if you make the effort. If you’re going to do a renovation anyway, you might as well take advantage of the opportunity to rid your home of toxic substances.

Use Recycled Materials


Every year, countless tons of reusable material are needlessly wasted and replaced by new products. You can fight this trend by using as many recycled materials as possible in your renovation. From decking to tiling, countertops to doors, any number of features can spring from recycled material.

Use Local Materials


A large percentage of greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation. If you haul in materials from across the country for your renovation, then you are contributing to the problem. By sticking to local products, however, you help cut down on global emissions.

A renovation is a great way to do two important things at once: revamp your living space while lessening your home's environmental impact. It's rare that life affords us such great opportunities to serve ourselves and others at the same time. Take advantage by adopting the four eco-friendly elements mentioned above.


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