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5 Ways Your Factory Can Lessen Its Environmental Impact.JPG

For years now, people have been taking steps to help save the planet in their everyday lives. But the fault of our dying planet lies not within the average individual, but within massive industries. It is time for factories to take action to lessen their environmental impact.

Measure Your Carbon Footprint

In order to lessen your carbon footprint, first you need to know the size of your carbon footprint. Measure how much damage your factory is doing by taking a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment. From there, you can develop a plan to shrink that footprint.

Use Green Technology

Ever since the industrial revolution, factories have been using fossil fuels, like coal. These nonrenewable sources are disposed back into the air in the form of greenhouse gasses. It’s time to ditch these outdated processes and embrace technologies such as solar panels, wind energy and LED light bulbs. Factories can seriously benefit by switching to renewable energy sources.

Recycle Materials

You probably have pieces of scrap steel laying around from previous equipment or projects. Call a scrap metal collector to come and pick up the pieces. Collectors use your waste metal to recycle them into new projects. One of the best ways to protect the environment is to use what we already have.

Steel production admits greenhouse gasses into the air and dangerous pollutants into surrounding water sources. But recycling already-made steel leaves a much smaller carbon footprint. Recycling scrap metal also keeps mining away from wildlife, takes less time than extracting new metal, and keeps waste out of our ever-multiplying landfills.

Dispose of Waste Responsibly

Factories’ haphazard waste disposal has led to the pollution of the surrounding soil and local water sources. As seen in the Flint Water Crisis, contaminated water can cause serious health problems for humans and animals that rely on that water. Sometimes the contaminated water is absorbed into soil where crops are planted. This further spreads the contamination to large supplies of food. Many strategies to reduce and dispose of manufacturing waste have been developed recently. Being more mindful about where your waste goes can lessen damaging effects.

Be Adaptable

The companies that have survived the longest are the ones that are most willing to adapt to the current times. And currently, people are concerned about the planet. We have wizened about how we impact the environment. And with the rise of the internet, consumers are more aware of than ever before where their products come from and how they are made. Generation Z, in particular, likes to spend their money on products that are ethically made.

Change may not always be easy, but it is extremely necessary. Be open-minded about changes. After all, the changes you are making are beneficial for the whole planet.


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