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While people may have once taken the environment and the earth’s natural resources for granted, those attitudes need to change. Thanks to growing world populations and increased human activity, a noticeable negative impact on the globe is certainly beginning to manifest. If these challenges are to be met and overcome, it will require action from business owners. Below are four ways businesses can help the environment.One Step at a Time, 4 Ways Business Can Help the Environment.png

Switch to a Paperless Office

One resource that is certainly finite is wood. For paper to be produced, trees must be chopped down and processed into pulp. Trees are an important part of the natural landscape and provide the world with breathable oxygen. The paper milling process also creates a lot of pollution. One way to remove these negative impacts created by your business is by eliminating paper entirely and relying instead on things like email and PDF files.

Start a Company Carpool Program

One of the largest sources of pollution is the automobile. In regards to cars, most vehicles on the road are commuting to and from the workplace. This aspect of work releases massive amounts of carbon based pollution into the atmosphere every single day. Someday, this problem may be solved by electric vehicles. However, currently, a more efficient way of curbing this source of pollution is by creating a carpool program for your employees.

Clean up after Construction

Something that can certainly have a negative impact on the environment is construction. If construction materials are left behind after a project has been completed, they can have negative effects on plants, animals, waterways and air quality for years afterwards. They can also pose dangers to human beings. Make sure to always perform a proper clean-up after a construction project. If the construction company doesn’t do a good enough job, seek the assistance of another outside firm like Alliance Demolition Services Inc. or someone similar to handle your clean up.

Upgrade Your Lighting

Incandescent light fixtures use a lot of electricity. They also have a habit of burning out quickly. One simple way to make your business greener is to invest in more efficient compact fluorescent light fixtures. CFL bulbs use far less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs and last much longer as well. You’ll save money and lessen your carbon footprint simultaneously.

Transforming your company into a green business requires a lot of effort. However, that effort is well worth it. If the planet and environment is protected, businesses will also certainly benefit. Do what you can to curb your company’s impact on the environment.


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