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What Is Organic Waste & How Does It Make Our World Greener?

What Is Organic Waste & How Does It Make Our World Greener.jpeg

Organic waste refers to those waste materials that can decompose. It usually comes from either plants or animals. When disposed of, it will naturally decompose through bacterial activity. Therefore, it is a better form of waste compared to other non-biodegradable forms such as plastics. Because of its degradable nature, organic waste leads to a greener environment through several ways:

Reduce Water Pollution

When well-composted, organic waste reduces the need to use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides on the soil when farming. Using those fertilizers and chemicals normally leads to contamination of underground water when chemicals seep deep into the underground water levels. Flowing water also carries these chemicals into water bodies such as rivers which ends up causing pollution to our water bodies.

Reduce the Effects of Global Warming

When organic waste is put in landfills, it produces methane gas which is 21 times worse than carbon dioxide in its contribution to global warming. Since organic waste is not normally disposed in landfills, less methane gas is produced and this has a reduced impact on global warming. SF Gate Home Guides insists that organic waste must never be dumped in the landfills but must be composted, which not only reduces global warming but also is a big nutritional benefit to the soil.

Improves Aesthetic Value

When the organic waste is put in the appropriately marked green trash cans, such as those provided by Ware Disposal, it improves the aesthetic value of the environment. It makes it look neat and clean. It also reduces the probability of the waste getting into contact with, for example, children, which prevents potential infections.

Improves Soil Structure

Compost manure, which is formed by organic waste, helps to improve the soil structure and composition in a great way. It increases the ability of the soil to hold water in a way where it can be easily accessed by the roots of plants which as a result reduces the need for irrigation. It also adds microbial organisms to the soil such as insects and earthworms. Better soil leads to healthy plants which are important in the environmental cycles such as the nitrogen cycle.

Organic waste, therefore, has a big benefit to the environment. It is always important to separate the organic from the inorganic waste when disposing and ensure that as you take the inorganic to the landfill, the organic waste should form compost manure. In this way, you will be able to realize the full impact organic waste has to the environment. It is also very economical to dispose and will, therefore, save you some money.



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