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The Conversation is a unique collaboration between academics and journalists that in a decade has become the world’s leading publisher of research-based news and analysis.

Donald Trump’s second presidential term is likely to mean big changes for those of us interested in geoengineering. The term refers to deliberate large-scale manipulation of the climate, perhaps by blocking out some sunlight or directly removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Sometimes called climate engineering, we prefer the term “climate repair”. Trump is not the most natural supporter of climate change interventions. He is set to expand oil and gas production hot on the heels of the m
The Conversation
Information on the internet might seem like it’s there forever, but it’s only as permanent as people choose to make it. That’s apparent as the second Trump administration “floods the zone” with efforts to dismantle science agencies and the data and websites they use to communicate with the public. The targets range from public health and demographics to climate science. We are a research librarian and policy scholar who belong to a network called the Public Environmental Data Partners, a coaliti
The Conversation

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