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Sharing tips on how you can live an easy green life!

When it comes to our food choices, making a conscious decision to prioritize organic and local foods that are in season can have a significant positive impact on both our health and the environment. Not only does it support local farmers and economies, but it also helps reduce the carbon footprint associated with the long-distance transportation and processing of out-of-season foods. Here's why it matters and a few examples of delightful winter produce to enjoy! The Environmental Benefits of Eat
Happy Jolene
Meat is a common part of many people’s diets, but it also has a significant environmental impact. From greenhouse gas emissions to water use, from deforestation to biodiversity loss, meat production and consumption affect the planet in various ways. Here are some of the reasons why eating less meat can help reduce your environmental footprint and protect the environment. Meat contributes to climate change According to the United Nations, livestock production accounts for 14.5% of
Happy Jolene
Your carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases that you produce as you live your life. The average U.S. per capita carbon footprint is 18.3 tons, while the global average is 6.3 tons. To limit global warming to 2°C or less, we need to reduce our carbon footprint to about 2 tons per person by 2050. Here are some of the easiest ways you can reduce your carbon footprint: Eat low on the food chain by choosing more plant-based foods and less meat and dairy. Livestock is responsibl
Happy Jolene
I came across a forum post that asked if it's possible to shop green and sustainable clothes? And yes, it is! First of all, I’m glad that you are interested in shopping for green and sustainable clothes. Now let’s get to it! Here are some easy ways to shop more sustainably and ethically: Choose natural fabrics that have a low carbon footprint, such as organic cotton, linen, hemp or bamboo. Avoid synthetic fabrics like polyester, nylon or rayon that are derived from plastic and require
Happy Jolene
  • Happy Jolene in Fashion

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