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Tips For Saving Energy At Home

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Being energy-efficient doesn’t always need a big investment in time or money. But it can make a big difference to the cost of your energy bill. By just making simple changes in your lifestyle, you can waste less energy and save more.

The Infographic titled as “Ways To Save Energy At Home” lists some of the simple tips to save energy at home. These include the following:

  • Appliances:

  • Set refrigerator temperature between 30 and 42° F and repair door seals if there is cold air around the closed door

  • When possible, wash full loads of clothes

  • Keep the oven door closed while cooking. The temperature can drop up to 25 degrees each time you open the oven door

  • Keep stove reflector pans clean in order to reflect more heat upward while cooking

  • Electronics:

  • Replace desktop computers with laptops

  • Stop leaving appliances on standby, This can help you to save around £30 per year

  • Unplug battery chargers when the batteries are fully charged

  • Prefer Energy Star qualified TVs as they are up to 30% more efficient as compared to noncertified models.

For more tips, you can Call on British Gas contact number or refer the given Infographic.


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