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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Rumours says it that the new organic logo will be cancelled and a new one will replace it! :o
  2. Yesterday Al Gore launched the We Campaign. It’s a $300 million 3-year effort "to mobilize Americans on climate change." The campaign will focus on sending out its message using mainly TV and print ads. People will be urged to go to the We Campaign website and sign the petition for a global treaty on climate change, urge the press to ask questions about climate change and learn more about global warming, the solutions and how they can personally minimize their environmental impact. The ads will show, by featuring people like Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich, Pat Robertson and Al Sharpton, that both conservatives and liberals can rally around the climate crisis (You can see the very first advertisement that will be aired on TV after the jump). The We Campaign is backed up by Alliance for Climate Protection. Organisations like the Girl Scouts of the USA, Conservation Federation of Missouri, Earth Day Network, Colorado Wildlife Federation and many others is partnering with the We Campaign to bring in grassroots organisations to the campaign. To be able to fund this huge campaign Al Gore will donate all profits from the An Inconvenient Truth book and movie. He will also donate his Nobel Prize money and a matching sum from his own personal money stash. Below you can find a interview from 60 Minutes with Al Gore about the new campaign ("- Like the Vice President?" "- Hahaha"). And, ah, the irony when you have to watch a car commercial before and after the actual video interview. Interview with Al Gore: The first TV ad:
  3. Simon

    Organic coffee?

    I belive climate change is real, and man-made. Because thats what the scientists have proven. If the scientists ever find that this assumption is wrong I will change my opinion about climate change in regards to the new findings.
  4. What is it you find negative? That farmers will "cease to exist" and all the other things you mentioned. Or that people is worrying about future problems like this? I dont really follow you... :blink:
  5. Why not? I would have understood if you lived in the US of A.. ;)
  6. Simon

    Organic coffee?

    I am listening to what the scientists say, you know, the smart people. You are, of course, allowed to believe in whatever you like. But don't come here, at this point, and say that climate change/global warming is a hoax, just because you have an hard time to believe its true.. This discussion reminds me about a quote from Mark Lynas:
  7. Simon

    Organic coffee?

    What are you talking about? Really? It is humans fault we are in this situation. It's pathetic to think otherwise. We have had scientific consensus for a long time now regarding who is to be blamed for the current climate changes and what will happen. All, trusted, science points towards one thing: the climate chnage we are currently experiencing is man-made and will have devastating effects on the whole planet. the climate is undergoing a pronounced warming trend beyond the range of natural variability; the major cause of most of the observed warming is rising levels of the greenhouse gas CO2; the rise in CO2 is the result of burning fossil fuels; if CO2 continues to rise over the next century, the warming will continue; and a climate change of the projected magnitude over this time frame represents potential danger to human welfare and the environment. Scientific consensus could be seen in the IPCC's Third Assessment Report, Working Group 1 (TAR WG1). That report have been endorsed by: * Academia Brasiliera de Ciências (Brazil) * Royal Society of Canada * Chinese Academy of Sciences * Academié des Sciences (France) * Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Germany) * Indian National Science Academy * Accademia dei Lincei (Italy) * Science Council of Japan * Russian Academy of Sciences * Royal Society (United Kingdom) * National Academy of Sciences (United States of America) * Australian Academy of Sciences * Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts * Caribbean Academy of Sciences * Indonesian Academy of Sciences * Royal Irish Academy * Academy of Sciences Malaysia * Academy Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand * Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences * NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) * National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) * National Academy of Sciences (NAS) * State of the Canadian Cryosphere (SOCC) * Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) * Royal Society of the United Kingdom (RS) * American Geophysical Union (AGU) * American Institute of Physics (AIP) * National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) * American Meteorological Society (AMS) * Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)
  8. Full article here: http://humblegourmand.com/features/buying-local-recession/ What do you think will happen to our consumption patterns when food prices rises (even for us in the rich world)?
  9. Simon

    Organic coffee?

    Of course organic food wont save the world. But its one small part needed in a big machinery to make it all work. But. Really. Whatever we do it wont be enough or in time..
  10. See. It would be a lot easier if you went by train instead ;)
  11. Simon

    Organic coffee?

    The earth isn't going to explode, for all we know. But, it is our fault, and we are to be blamed.
  12. Maybe this Wikipedia article can help you understand RSS better: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rss ?
  13. Just be careful! Cats can easily become allergic and sick from fish.
  14. In Australia "the organisers of last night’s Earth Hour event say they believe the nation’s power use was reduced by at least five per cent when the lights were turned off for an hour". http://www.thewest.com.au/default.aspx?Men...ContentID=65233 Screenshot for you who missed it: I can't say anything about your situation and where the money goes. But I can say its a big difference between a democratically elected president and a king who haven't been elected by the people.
  15. I don't really know how much CO2 or energy was saved.. The power stations would have been running the same like always and most of them have probably been producing the same amount of energy even if the demand could have been temporary lowered. The King is silly because he is a King. Why should we have a King who wastes all our money on his luxury cars and vacation trips with his family? A true democracy can't be based on the idea of monarchy..
  16. Did you participate in Earth Hour this weekend? Yes? Great, cause now its time to take it to the next level. It’s time to actually make a difference. Earth Hour has teamed up with Zerofootprint, a Canadian not-for-profit organisation, to provide two carbon calculators so that Earth Hour participants (and anyone else for that matter) to measure their carbon footprint and "make ongoing changes to their individual lifestyles in a bid to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions." "The Zerofootprint calculator helps us ratchet up the whole Earth Hour initiative. It allows communities to set real achievable targets to reach our five per cent reduction goal and gives people a means of making and measuring changes," said Andy Ridley, Earth Hour’s Executive Director. There are two different carbon calculators people can choose from. One is an ordinary online form, similar to other carbon calculators. The other one is a Facebook application that will allow you to "mobilize and challenge your friends". http://earthhour.zerofootprint.net
  17. Well, they could, if you want and the RSS-feed/blog has that feature. Green Blog has! Just check the top right header! But the best way is to gather your RSS feeds in a feed reader. These days there are tons of different ones. You can download a feed reader and have it installed on your computer. Or you can use an online feed reader. I use Google Reader: http://www.google.com/reader/ When you like a blog, news site etc you just look for their RSS feed. Most sites has a small RSS icon () or you can find the RSS feed in your browsers address field (most modern browsers has this feature). This is how an RSS feed can look like: http://feeds.feedburner.com/GreenBlog
  18. Indeed it has. If only this was more than just a satire. That picture reminds me about one I saw of two US Segway police officers, who, from the looks, should be walking more than driving the Segway!!! :blink:
  19. Simon

    Music Videos

    Not really a music video, its a video with lots of songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imouuYpKV5c
  20. Some more before and after shots of Sydney: The Philippines: At Bangkok's biggest mall: And the (silly) Swedish king's castle in Stockholm:
  21. Hehe yeah and thats why this forum needs some new "ranks" that doesn't rate people based on their posts, like the current ones does.
  22. Yeah. I know. I liked Greenpeace's demonstration: http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/blog/climate/...mobbed-20080327 There have been not a single coverage about this in Sweden, I guess it's because the right-wing media doesn't want to stir up new debates about the right-wing politicians in Stockholm giving the go-ahead for Bromma airport for another 30 years. <_<
  23. The Europe 2008 Exploratory Committee is sending Simon Robertsen and Thomas Altheimer in July 2007 to canvass the US for a suitable native-born American presidential candidate. The candidate will pledge to run for president in 2008 on a platform of European issues such as enhanced international cooperation, slashing greenhouse emissions, substituting UN for US troops in Iraq, and promoting a federal programme of subsidies for soccer and cricket schools across the nation. America is too important to leave to the Americans! Thomas Altheimer said during a press conference at Chatham House, London. Simon Robertsen said at the same press conference. Europe have set up a website where you can "help Europeanize America", volunteer and get updates on the progress of this "epic campaign". http://www.europe2008.org http://www.europe2008.org/campaignblog.htm
  24. I doubt it but it would be cool. Here are some closer-to-the-surface shots from the Earth Hour event in Sydney this year: Before and after: Melbourne during Earth Hour 2008: http://www.flickr.com/photos/diaz/2370428553/ More pics: http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=earth+hour...;ss=2&s=rec
  25. Quote from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_of_the_Arctic
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