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GardenAnnie last won the day on January 9 2023

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  1. We switched from Tupperware to glass containers with flexible plastic lids. It’s not 100% plastic free but uses much less plastic. Plus we can microwave foods in them without the lids. I don’t like microwaving plastic especially if the food has fat in it because of chemicals transferring from the plastic to the food via the fat.
  2. More HOAs are allowing metal roofing that they forbade before. It is seen as more upscale than utilitarian nowadays.
  3. There are several Facebook groups for creative recycling of clothes. Upcycle Sewing and other groups for general upcycling are very helpful and very popular. On YouTube and Facebook are people showing how They shop resale shops for clothing, gifts, and decor. It’s a popular trend because of inflation but also more and more people caring about the environment.
  4. This is especially good for areas with drought as the wood breaks down lessening the need for as much water for anything planted in the top and sides of a hugelkultur mound. Some places have a dry season and a rainy season. Hugelkultur solves both problems. In the dry season you don’t have to water as much. In the wet season you get good drainage for your plants because they are above the normal surface.
  5. There was a gardening blog a few years back from a priest or religious brother practicing sustainable gardening in an arid region, I think in Oklahoma. He had been experimenting with various seeds and methods that was very interesting and helpful. If anyone knows if his blog is still going, I would like to get the name of it again. Thanks very much.
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