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Ecosocialism and the fight against global warming: An Interview with Ian Angus

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Ian Angus, founder and coordinating committee member of the Ecosocialist International Network and editor of the web journal Climate and Capitalism, is interviewed here by the Greek newspaper Kokkino (Red), which published a slightly abridged version:

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If you are interested in ecosocialism you should read this interview.

Also, with the help of our new contributor Ian Angus Green Blog will start to post more articles and posts about ecosocialism this year. :cute:


If you are interested in ecosocialism you should read this interview.

Also, with the help of our new contributor Ian Angus Green Blog will start to post more articles and posts about ecosocialism this year. :cute:

So this depends on finding if people are dumb enough to pretend that this is just the standard crap of Marxism with another name, sort of like putting lipstick on a pig..... :D


sort of like putting lipstick on a pig..... :D

That phrase invariably brings an image of Ann Coulter to mind.


So this depends on finding if people are dumb enough to pretend that this is just the standard crap of Marxism with another name, sort of like putting lipstick on a pig..... :D

Since when socialism is a bad thing? It isn't perfect but it's way better than capitalism


Since when socialism is a bad thing? It isn't perfect but it's way better than capitalism

Schhh dont let them know how good we have it over here thanks to socialism.. :cute:


Schhh dont let them know how good we have it over here thanks to socialism.. :cute:

Oh right, sorry :)

Yeah, socialism is the same as communism, hail capitalism :rolleyes:

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