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Greener Business

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Greener living is just as important in business as it is in our homes.

Entries in this blog

Raising a Family with Recycling

In today’s economy if you want to raise a family you need to learn how to do it on a budget, and that isn’t always easy. There are a number of different ways of living on a budget with your family, but the most effective ways are simply to save money wherever possible. This might be in the form of buying lower cost products, reducing spending on non-essentials and even recycling and repurposing items you already own so that you aren’t spending money on new items. Some families have proved tha



An Eco-Friendly Christmas

Christmas is, for most of us around the world, a time for seeing family, eating good food and giving presents, but there is a catch. Christmas tends to leave us with a lot of waste materials. Wrapping paper, food, boxes, plastic packaging, and surprisingly quite a large amount of this is not recycled. Business in particular need to be doing more to ensure that their products are providing an effective solution for an eco-friendly Christmas, which can be worked in with all of your seasonal mar



Eco-Friendly Packaging

{Image Credit: https://flic.kr/p/38vqB8} Regardless of whether you run a business or your just work as part of one, there are a number of things for you to be concerned about, and the way that your business is perceived by environmentally friendly enthusiasts and parties is becoming an increasingly important aspect of your business image. This is particularly true of smaller, more locally orientated businesses, as the local community and most common target audiences are becoming more and more i



Recycling your Clothing

A little off topic on the business front, but something I thought may be convenient to those who happen to read it – the recycling of clothing. To be honest I hadn’t thought about recycling my clothes when I was younger at all, it wasn’t until I was already a university student that I wondered what my mother had ever done with all of those extra clothes my sisters and I always had that we had grown out of. So – mothers, newly independent young adults and curious ones alike; reflect upon this li



The Basics of Greener Business

{Image Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/demmbatz/3532646348/ } If you run a business there are of course no shortage of things to be concerned about; regardless of whether you’re worried about staff management, cash flow or any other business matters, the impact of your company on the environment probably isn’t particularly high on the list. However, the impact of your business on the local environment is of course much higher than the impact of your home, so you can make a difference.



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