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There are a number of home solar installers willing to come out and install a solar energy system into your home. Solar power is an environmentally way to conserve energy and save money at the same time. Sadly, however, there are multiple common misconceptions surrounding solar energy. It’s essential that we reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Solar energy also comes with a number of rebates and monetary incentives, on top of the benefits already provided by utilizing the sun as your source of energy. The number of solar panels that are installed is increasing, but so is the number of misconceptions people have about installing them.

Some people refuse to install solar panels in their home because they think that they will have to give up some of their modern day conveniences. This is actually not true. Solar energy provides the electricity needed to run household items and utilities. You’ll still be able to use your computer, watch your television, and use your water pump to heat your water. Solar energy powers up all of the electronics within your home and provides the electricity needed for you to turn your lights on. You can use solar power to improve what is provided to you by your electric company, or use solar power for all of your energy needs, and you will be just fine. You will not have to give up anything in the process.

Another common misconception is that wind turbines kills birds. There are studies that show these turbines kill less than two birds per year. That’s why less than the amount of birds killed by cars in a year, but you’re not going to stop driving your car are you? Home-sized turbines are much smaller than your average wind turbine, so the number of birds killed by these turbines is so small that it’s very difficult to conduct a study for the numbers. Wind power is an excellent alternative to the constantly rising prices associated with oil. However, due to regulations, safety concerns, and bureaucracies, the implementation of wind power strategies is very slow.

Some people claim that solar energy is too expensive to use. This is not true. The power plants are actually more expensive than using solar energy. The truth is, we spend more money as a nation on researching conventional energy than trying to find renewable sources of energy. If we converted to renewable energy sources, the change would end up paying for itself.

People also commonly think that solar energy systems require some type of backup energy source. This just isn’t true. Most solar systems are designed in order for a conventional back up system to be used, but it is not necessary. People also commonly think that solar panels will last forever, but the truth is there are different levels of quality. Solar panels are like everything else, and how long the panels last depends on what you buy and how they are installed. However, nothing truly lasts forever.

The truth of the matter is, there really is no excuse for not utilizing solar energy options.



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