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Why You Should Be Eating Locally Grown Fruits and Foods

One of the major advantages of eating locally grown food is that local food builds the community surrounding you. This helps you to develop a better understanding, build some level of trust and connect at a personal level with your neighbors and the environment. The simple fact that you know the farmer or the farm that grew the fruit you are eating is quite assuring and very appealing. Having farms around your vicinity also allows you to visit the farms with your children or family members and l



Climate Change is a Disaster; Meanwhile Oil Boom Continues

While the third IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report explains that fossil fuels use must end to avoid the dramatic consequences of climate change, 202 millions barrel of oil are stocked in Houston, Texas ready to entering the energy market. Let's proceed in order: IPCC is an international organization, part of UN and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Its reports are precise, accurate and sadly true. Refute the results of reports would be stupid and useless since I do

Mark Piazzalunga

Mark Piazzalunga

Getting traffic on your website in easy way

What is SEO and Back Links SEO Means Social Engine Optimization and Back Linking mean Make links to your website on other websites and directories. With the help of back linking you can get high traffic it helps us in making our website page rank good so as we can earn more from our website. With the help of back linking we can get high rate of web traffic. Back Link Services It is very useful service. There are many people who provide this service some people take charges and some services are



Shoes which we need perform best in any sports

Every one love and like sports so there are many accessories which we can use for playing sports. Without these accessories we cannot play good because we need them so as we can perform better. The main thing is shoes so if we have good shoes then we can play fine and perform best in the sports. Best Basketball Shoes I have some likes where you can find shoes related to the sports and games. Please Lead to the website to find related products so as you can get more information about the shoes. S



Abdominal exercises for compound lifters scoff

At abdominal exercises there are many compound lifters scoff that heavy dead lifts and squats that argue work the core sufficiently. This is a mistake I think. During heavy compound movements the core gets taxed. Bodybuilding Keeps lifters from reaching new PRs it’s the hidden weak limiting and link which will keep the factor. In other words bigger lifts leads to a strong core inevitably.glutes and hamstrings worked as squats and dead lifts if it helps I think it may work this way. Why should t



World Wind Power Poised to Bounce Back after Slowing in 2013

By J. Matthew Roney At the end of 2013, the wind farms installed in more than 85 countries had a combined generating capacity of 318,000 megawatts, which would be enough to meet the residential electricity needs of the European Union’s 506 million people. New data from the Global Wind Energy Council show that wind developers built 35,000 megawatts of new generating capacity worldwide in 2013. This was down from 45,000 megawatts installed in 2012—marking only the second time in 25 years that i

Earth Policy Institute

Earth Policy Institute

The Other Side of the Internet - Enormous Energy Consumption and Pollution

Carbon dioxide pollution is the greatest contributor to the global warming. The top two sources of carbon dioxide pollution are coal-burning power plants (the largest in the U.S.) which emit 2.5 billion tons of CO2 yearly and automobiles which produce 1.5 billion tons of CO2 every year. But did you know that browsing the internet can also produce carbon dioxide emissions? According to an Environmental Fellow at Harvard University, Dr. Alexander Wissner-Gross, who researches the environmental



Deep Energy Retrofits - More Than A Few Quick Fixes

There’s no denying that buildings created in the past ten or so years are far more energy efficient than older structures. The older the building, more likely it is to be an energy sinkhole, consuming far more resources than it needs to. Older buildings more commonly have inefficient HVAC, cooling, lighting and water heating systems in place, as well as wear and tear issues: such as drafty doors and windows, leaky pipes, and worn insulation (if there is any at all). Many articles and much at



Klimatkrisen och Sveriges massarbetslöshet

Vi står inför en global klimatkris som kräver ofattbart stora investeringar för att vi ska kunna ställa om till ett mer hållbart samhälle som samtidigt klarar av påfrestningarna som kommer att komma av ett förändrat klimat. Samtidigt är arbetslösheten i Sverige fortfarande alldeles för stor, det finns alltså hundratusentals människor som saknar ett jobb. Enligt statistiska centralbyrån ligger arbetslösheten i Sverige idag på 8,5 procent - och fortsätter att stiga. Trots klimatförändringarna


Simon in Miljö och klimat

Beware Of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

In October of 2013, a family of four sadly passed away in yet another incident of carbon monoxide poisoning. The death of the family from Merrillville, Indiana, once again brings to the fore the real danger posed by carbon monoxide. It is also proof that despite various campaigns and information dissemination from all quarters, a good number of people still don’t fully appreciate the potential dangers of burning fuels in poorly ventilated spaces. The four consisted of two parents and their 1



Waste Not, Want Not

It's funny how ideas go in and out of fashion – whether it's saving or borrowing, home cooking or fast food, recycling drives or personal convenience. As it happens, the trend in recycling has swung back towards an old saying which many of us in the United Kingdom will have been brought up with: 'waste not, want not'. This little adage has taken on a whole new identity since the time of ration books and shortages, but the fact that it is coming back into use on the fronts of glossy council leafl



Green Cities 2014 : The Green Future for Australia

In March, Victoria's capital city was the country's hot-spot for green building and environmental safety. This exquisite event has met millions supporters through the years striving to educate Australia's population on the benefits of green investments and Eco-oriented lifestyle. Being one of the greenest cities in Australia, Melbourne had been chosen to be hot of this year's Green Cities conference. The event was held at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne where world-leading Eco organizations and s



Eco-friendly Tips For Your Backyard

The backyard space can be unpleasant to the eyes if not well kempt hence reshaping the outdoor space is the greatest kindness to Mother Nature. This does not mean giving a dry and barren look, but use of earth-friendly ideas for landscaping. Home landscape is at the forefront of homeowners’ minds to ensure they have yards which are not only comfortable and beautiful, but eco-friendly as well. There are various ways to weave eco-friendly elements into your backyard. Here are a few eco-friendly ti



Earth Hour; lights off, change on

On Saturday March 29th at 8:30pm, millions of people across the world are switching off lights for one hour - to celebrate their commitment to the planet. This is definition of the Earth Hour, the biggest event against climate change in history launched in 2007 and organized by WWF. In a few hours the world will be darker but millions of people will be happy to fight against a phenomenon that is starting to change our daily lives. Bacteria that are coming from the melting of the ices, high pollu

Mark Piazzalunga

Mark Piazzalunga

Exciting cheap Apple iPad deals and discount available in the world of internet

The world of electronics has managed to witness a lot of different kinds of of innovations. The world of electronics started from the invention of radio, radio telephones, mobile phones and now the era of smart phones is going on. Internet has been one of the most critical resources with the fast growing world. One of the best way of having an access to the internet is with the help of mobile internet. There are a large variety of smart phones available in the market. One of the most admired sma



Modern Point of Sale System for Retail

If you are into business, you must keep a lookout for new strategies, tactics, and tools that can have a positive impact on your business. This is necessary to ensure that you stay ready to face the challenges of doing business in your specific era. Holding fast to the tools and tactics of yesteryear will only accelerate your demise. For those who are into the sales type of business, it is wise to invest in a point of sale system for retail. Your checkout point is now better placed to take o

David Warn

David Warn

Man-Made Disasters: Our Own Fault

Sometimes we cannot blame nature for the disasters happening on our planet. Let's face it. Majority of the calamities that badly affected different regions on earth have root causes. Yes these disasters could be man-made. There are strong basis to this. Take for instance the climate change which is worsen by our carbon footprints and emissions. This means that these disasters started from us. Check out this infographic which might enlighten us all that it is our own fault that we experience d



Camping Grounds Ecology+Etiquette

Recently, I went camping with friends in beautiful Acadia Park and was horrified by how some people are careless and how they ruin camping place behind without even noticing so I decided to write a bit on this issue. Going on a camping/hike once, twice and even for a few long periods doesn’t make you an expert. This hobby requires practice, dedication, discipline and commitment for you to become the best you can be. You need to know about the basic and fundamental strategies when h



New Technologies: Space-Based Solar Power

In the previous post I mentioned space-based solar power (if you prefer SBSP) as the future of photovoltaic. Does it seem too fictional? DOE (Department of Energy) thinks it's not. The first time space-based solar power was mentioned was in a novel of Isaac Asimov. Now it has become a possible alternative for the future. Let's hear what DOE has to say: every hour, more solar energy reaches the Earth than humans use in an entire year and 30% of energy is reflected back into space. Solar panels

Mark Piazzalunga

Mark Piazzalunga

Save Trees, Water and Energy with Mobile Shredding Services

Canadian information privacy and data handling laws require business owners to protect the personal information of their clients and employees (1). Shredding documents on a regular basis and properly destroying outdated electronic equipment are key steps in the data handling cycle. Every business should have a data destruction plan in place as part of their corporate security strategy. One surprising benefit of this type of service too is that you can support your company’s green initiatives by



Eco Home Lighting Changes The World

Electricity prices continue to rise each year. Therefore, homeowners are looking for new ways to equip their homes with greener lighting to account for the increase in electricity costs. At one time, you would have simply chosen a regular light bulb to screw into a light socket. Today, times have changed with new lighting and new EU legislation. The new EU legislation has outlawed the old style of incandescent light bulbs. Even with the old bulbs being discarded, you have several sources of

Matt Milstead

Matt Milstead

How to increase your blog's chances of getting featured

Our members regularly publish good and interesting blog posts here in our community. And we often feature some of the best posts. Featured blog posts gets highly visible on both the Green Blog frontpage and the Community Blogs page, as well as next to all our regular environment news. Simply put: if your blog post gets featured it will be seen by a lot of people. We tend to feature posts that are topical, interesting and thought-provoking. Here are some friendly tips on how you can make your

Green Blog

Green Blog

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