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Fracked With Controversy - Using Natural Gas to Power the Future

Advances in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to obtain natural gas have made this resource an abundantly available and comparatively inexpensive source of fuel. While electric utility generators have traditionally favored large coal-or nuclear-powered plants to supply electricity to a designated grid, natural gas has steadily risen in popularity within this sector since the 1990’s - if it continues along its current path, natural gas is projected to overtake coal and nuclear power as a primary



Getting a Career in Green: Job Options for Saving the Planet

Are you passionate about environmentally responsible practices and green living? Would you like to have a job that paid your bills while also helping to save the planet? Today’s colleges are focusing more and more on providing degrees that can work for the environment. Whether it’s a science research in declining species, to a technology degree to help with wind turbines, or even an online mba in management information systems, more degrees are being created with the world in mind. Below are fou



Melbourne Tree Planting Project

It seems like Melbourne is on its way to become world's best city for living not only for people, but for trees too. The council's tree-saving program is showing growing numbers in its five year account. More people feel compelled to take part in the noble initiative as volunteers. The ambitious plan to revive the city's "urban forest" seems to be working to the fullest. Trees' numbers and diversity on Melbourne streets is growing and the benefits of it will be effective very soon, according to



Ways to Recycle more in the Office

If you’re the manager or employee of a big office, you have a good idea of how much things go to waste. Especially supplies like paper, pencils, pens and even utilities like water and electricity are taken for granted. So, as an administrator you may wish to reduce wastage and also expenses for supplies. Recycling is taken seriously these days by most offices. Not only is it eco friendly, but more and more offices are generating high grade waste paper every year. Paper is the largest municipal s

Ishrat Batool

Ishrat Batool

Essential Tips for Wintertime Energy Conservation

If the utility bills for heating your home are becoming outrageous, then it is time to take action by making a few changes. Just a few simple adjustments in a home can make a huge financial difference for families. The great thing about making many of these changes to your home is that there are also energy savings in hot weather during the summer while using air-conditioning. Yearly Furnace Maintenance Homeowners must make sure that climate control devices are maintained properly to reduce



Shocking Facts About Fresh Water

Did you know that there is more salt water on Earth than fresh. Only 3% of the Earth's water supplies is fresh water and only 1% is drinkable because the other 2% is ice. We use 70% of the drinkable water for farming, 22% for industry and 8% for drinking, washing, cleaning, watering and other home uses. The amount of water nowadays is exactly the same as before millions of years it just recycles and changes it's place which is also called water cycle. Which explains the growth of deserts to



Simple, But Significant Ways Homeowners Can Reduce Their Environmental Impact

Change Your Lights Try replacing five light fixtures that you use the most with fixtures that have the Energy Star label. Energy Star products help the environment by using less resources while significantly reducing energy costs. Although energy-efficient lighting fixtures use far less electricity than their less-efficient counterparts, they still provide the same bright light as traditional fixtures. Additionally, Energy Star products typically last 10 to 50 times longer than standard lightin



How Sustainable Business Practices Save Both Money and the Environment

Corporations that alter their business practices to be more environmentally friendly have a lot to gain. Besides the many benefits to the environment, going green can provide an excellent boost to a company’s public image and reduce its energy costs. Employee Shuttles/Car Pool Benefits By offering car pool benefits, a business can encourage their employees to reduce the company's carbon footprint. Some businesses offer as little as a prime parking space, while others pad employees’ checks wi



Eco-Friendly Home Upgrades that Won't Break the Bank

There are many green ideas that will improve your home. There are several ways to make your home more eco-friendly and these can be done without breaking your bank too. There are some affordable and simple project ideas that may be of interest to you. If you are just choosing to make home improvements that will help the overall environment or if you simply have a desire to cut down on fuel costs and make your home more efficient there are definitely some ways that you can upgrade your home and m

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

4 Tips on Creating a Truly Eco-Friendly Garden

When it comes to the whole problem with the global warming, sooner or later everyone will realize that we have to do a lot more, even individually, to prevent a major catastrophe that is about to happen. But when it comes down to it, we are a particularly lazy species, and even though we are faced with inevitable threat, we are not so quick to make all the needed adjustments. For example, even switching from simple increscent light bulbs to a fluorescent kind has not happened everywhere around t



Chinese Investment Activities on Hot Properties Strengthens across Australia

The residential development market scenario in Sydney and many parts of Australia are active in this year. There was a transaction over $1.30 billion of residential sites across the metropolitan city of Sydney and most of the important contributors of this investment are Chinese and Hong Kong-based investment companies. There was a slight change in the end rate of all the new apartment prices in comparison to the fast growth in the prices that the people saw in the last few years. However, the r



Reduced Footprint: Make Your Home More Green With These Updates

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), many private homes have reduced their carbon emissions, thereby eliminating the equivalent of emissions from more than 30 million cars each year. With a few home renovations, your home can be more comfortable as well as environmentally friendly and have lower utility bills. Find a Green Architect It is recommended to ask an architect who has green building credentials to help you renovate your home. They will have ideas and knowledge to

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

5 Best Practices For Building Inexpensive, Green Homes

Home builders need to save money, particularly those buying their home for the first time. Building green homes once was considered to be a luxury but now is affordable. Green home construction has some costs, but many of the green systems put in place save money in home maintenance. Communicating with Suppliers By working with suppliers, home builders will determine the best products obtainable from the manufacturers. This step will get the homes certified by the National Green Building St

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

Manufactured Homes Offer Budget-Friendly Options

Owning your own home has been the American dream for decades and with the option of choosing manufactured homes or mobile homes, there are plenty of options to fit every budget. Choose from a variety of designs, sizes, and pricing levels. Find your dream home and settle in. Benefits of Manufactured Homes While there are a number of reasons to consider manufactured or mobile homes, one of the most basic is affordability. In today’s economic climate, it can be difficult to find a dream home

Newsy Siso

Newsy Siso

Car Parking Guide - How to park your car correctly?

Parking has always the nemesis for many drivers, even the seasoned ones, be it parallel or perpendicular parking. With very few parking slots available now-a-days one doesn’t even have an option to park a few blocks away to avoid parking between two cars. Below are the correct ways to park without sweating it out. Just remember to check your mirrors for oncoming traffic, always know your surrounding before manoeuvring the car into the parking slot. Parallel Parking Pull over slightly ahead of

Amit Kumar

Amit Kumar

How Recycling Your Scrap Metal Helps The Environment

In a culture that recycles over 150 million metric tons of metallic materials each year in the US alone, one cannot honestly say that there is no recycling effort taking place. Yet, many people are not aware of the many benefits that can be derived from a comprehensive effort to clean up the environment. Our article below covers several direct benefits produced today by scrap metal recycling operations across the US. Economic Reasons The US scrap metal recycling industry in 2008 resulted i

Savannah Coulsen

Savannah Coulsen

Regular backflow testing to avoid contamination of water supplies

What happens when industrial waste flows back through the plumbing system and mixes with the fresh water supply? This scenario is a nightmare for water authorities, leading some local governments to take charge and force backflow prevention on high-risk industries and companies. But should backflow prevention devices be more commonly implemented and forced upon on all households as well as schools, governments and industrial companies? Backflow occurs when the pressure in the plumbing system in



How To Keep Snakes Away

There is no doubt that snakes serve an important part in our ecosystem, especially with regards to keeping populations of rats and mice under control. However, there are situations where you wish to restrict the areas they can access, such as chicken coops, dog pens, aviaries and backyards frequented by children. It is therefore important to limit their access in a way that do not harm them or the environment. Several methods of discouraging snakes are being bandied around various forums with ev



Why You Need to Choose Solar Lighting Solutions

You want to add some lighting to your garden. It could just be a few flood lights, or you may want to light up a specific section of your lawn. There are safety reasons to have lighting around the outside of your home too. Whatever you choose, having solar lighting could be the best decision you ever make. Solar lighting takes power from the sun. If you’re not yet convinced, here are four reasons to choose solar lighting solutions today. Free Lighting Solutions One of the biggest benefi

Newsy Siso

Newsy Siso

What Are You Doing To Stop Pollution?

We are living in an age where cars are every where belching out their toxic fumes into the atmosphere. There seems to be no end in sight with more vechicles being built every day. There is an estimated 254.4 million registered vechicles in the US alone and how about the ones that are not registered are you beginning to get the picture. We are slowly killing ourselves and our planet. A 2013 study by MIT pointed out that 53,000 die every year in the US alone due to vechicle emissions. That is

Eric L. Huntley

Eric L. Huntley

Cleaning With Vinegar Do's and Don'ts

With all the research, nowadays, revealing that the air in our homes is about 200% more polluted than the air outside, people increasingly turned to more natural cleaning agents such as vinegar and baking soda. And it is a fact that many of the commercial cleaners nowadays are not only more expensive and cause pollution, but are actually damaging, and could even trigger asthma if someone is genetically predisposed.There are many benefits from cleaning with natural products only. Vinegar is so po



Great Green Hope: 6 Positive Impacts of Green Technology

Green technology is becoming more on the forefront of everyone's minds as the worry of global warming increases. The many positive impacts of green technology are numerous and can be measured by the attention that green tech has garnered in the past decade. Below we will explore some of the specifics of why some types of tech are better than others. Solar Power Unlike non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels, the sun is a renewable energy source that should stick around another 6 bil

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

Smart Water Saving Tips

Water is one of out the most precious resources we have and it is a crying shame that we pollute and waste it in the manner in which we do. Just because water is now available to us within a press of a tap, though, doesn't really mean we should let it go to waste. I know that sometimes saving water is hard work and I get lazy too, that's why I put those tips together and I hope I can change some of my habits and maybe inspire you to do the same. #1 We all know this one - Turn the taps off whe



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