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The Warehouse Business: How to Keep Operations Energy-Efficient

The warehouse is a very important element of the supply chain for nearly any company that produces a tangible product. However, a lot of money can also be lost with how businesses maintain their warehouses. Part of this loss comes from a lack of energy efficiency. This inefficiency can also have a negative impact on the environment. With this in mind, below are some strategies you can use to keep your warehouse operations more energy efficient.   Update Warehouse Lighting One of t



The vacuum trucks and their benefits

There are multiple varieties of vacuum trucks that have been designed for specific industries and purposes. All of these vehicles do share some similarities and are equipped with hydro-excavation systems and high-powered vacuum. These systems are designed for cleaning various types of lagoons, industrial tanks and other municipal water infrastructure. These trucks are also equipped with their private debris tanks. Benefits of Vacuum trucks ·         Convenience- One of the most co



Top 3 Reasons to Switch to Bulb Energy

As the time passes by, global warming is increasing and so are its effects. The need for green energy is more evident than ever before. More and more people are switching to green and renewable energy sources to power their houses, office and other property. Not only green energy is more affordable and long-lasting but it is also less toxic. In fact, green energy hardly has any hazardous effects on the environment. Seeing the future of green energy, many companies came into the market to become



Efficient DIY: How to Install Solar Panels on Your Home

Solar panel installation is becoming a major sensation among some of the smartest property owners out there. If you’re a property owner who is serious about minimizing energy expenses and doing great things for the environment in general, then you’re without a doubt a strong candidate for residential solar panel installation. Think in Detail About Your Roof If you want to install home solar panels without a hitch, you need to think things through carefully in advance. Determine whether



5 Things Threatening the Environment and How You Can Help

Earth Day is a reminder that our environment is threatened and we should get inspired to do something about it. There are still the over-optimistic types who insist that it’s a lot of fuss about nothing, or that science will find the answers. If you really care about the Earth, or people for that matter, you know we can’t afford to stand around and hope for the best. Here are five major environmental threats and what you do about them. Global Warming Overall temperatures around the



4 Nifty Tricks to Help You Save Energy This Summer

A lot of the ways that you can save energy this summer can also help keep your home cooler. Keep an eye of the weather forecast so that you can plan ahead appropriately to save the most energy. Here are just a few tricks that you can use to save some energy this summer. Invest in Outdoor Cooking Options Running your oven causes heat to become trapped in your home. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have to live on raw or cold food all summer. Look into outdoor cooking options like a



Simple changes you can make to live a greener life

The environment is at risk lately. Everyone is pulling alarm triggers on how the actions we do affect the environment. Even though it may seem like things are still going on the way they should, changes are visible. Global warming is real, and it has numerous causes, among which you can find some of the activities you involve yourself into each day, irrationally. The principal cause of climate change is the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide traps the h

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

Eco-friendly homes: energy efficiency in the kitchen

Those homeowners who want to lower their electricity bills or minimize their negative impact on the surrounding environment can tackle small energy efficiency improvements that make a huge difference, from controlled ventilation, window treatments and advanced framing to insulation, non-traditional roofs and skylights. More specifically, those people who live in a hot climate can install fans throughout the house instead of resorting to air conditioning because not only it keeps the living space

Cynthia Madison

Cynthia Madison

5 Ways to Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient

Summertime is here again, and as the weather continues to heat up, your utility bills are also rising. This is pretty common, since most other households are also cranking up the air conditioners and using a lot more electricity to keep their home interior temperatures in a comfortable range. But comfort comes with a price. If you’re looking for ways to stretch your paychecks and lower your utility bills this summer, then check out these five tips for making your home more energy-efficien

Dixie Somers

Dixie Somers

Summer Home Improvement: 5 Ways to Create Renewable Energy

You can install a few key items in your home in order to create more renewable energy sources. Some of these things you may already have seen around your own neighborhood. Others are a little more suited to living farther out in your community. Here are some of the ways that you can create renewable energy at your own home. Solar Panels Installing solar panels is one of the more common means for homeowners to become energy independent. There are even tax rebates that make this opt



Benefits of Going Solar in 2018

Today it’s hard to find reasons against going solar. Between the two most obvious motives – cutting on energy bills and protecting the environment, homeowners can hope for solid solar ROI, increasing their home equity, state tax rebates and investing into the future. What is more, many people are becoming aware that solar panels are a great home upgrade. Whichever your reasons may be, let’s elaborate on the most solid benefits of going solar. Honey, I shrunk the energy bill Adapti

Andrew Newitt

Andrew Newitt

Benefits of Going Solar in 2018

Today it’s hard to find reasons against going solar. Between the two most obvious motives – cutting on energy bills and protecting the environment, homeowners can hope for solid solar ROI, increasing their home equity, state tax rebates and investing into the future. What is more, many people are becoming aware that solar panels are a great home upgrade. Whichever your reasons may be, let’s elaborate on the most solid benefits of going solar. Honey, I shrunk the energy bill Adapti

Andrew Newitt

Andrew Newitt

4 Ways You Might Be Contributing to the World’s Waste Without Realizing It

No one wants to consider themselves as wasteful. While you might know you’re not perfect, you try your best. At least, that’s what you think. It turns out being wasteful can be a cumulative action that adds up through much passivity. In order to be environmentally-conscious, you need to be conscious of your relationship with the environment. These are four ways you might be contributing to the world’s waste without realizing it. Plastic Bags You might have a whole houseful of plast



5 Reasons Why Steel Construction is the Eco-Friendly Choice

Steel as a building material is growing in popularity, even for residential structures. It’s actually become trendy for its variety of options, speed and ease of construction, durability, and a number of environmental benefits. If you’re an eco-friendly buyer looking to build a new home, here are five good reasons why steel is the best ecological choice in green building design. Lower Energy Costs As one of the strongest construction materials, steel homes can support much denser l

Dixie Somers

Dixie Somers

4 Hacks to Help You Control How Much Energy You Use at Home

If your family is like many, there is a good chance that you waste a lot of electricity in your home. Luckily, there are several things that you can do to reduce your energy consumption. Follow these steps if you’re interested in doing so. Turn Your Home into a Smart Home First of all, if you haven’t yet implemented smart home automation in your home, then now is a good time to do so. Along with making your home more comfortable and intuitive for your family, this can help you cons



Disposing of Your Company's Waste the Green Way

When you are the owner or manager of a company, you will want to use environmentally friendly methods to dispose of waste. Here are some ways to implement a plan to get rid of various types of waste in a way that won’t harm the earth’s air, water or soil. Schedule a Consultation with an Environmental Expert If you don’t know how to throw waste away in the appropriate ways, then have a consultation with an environmental expert. A knowledgeable environmentalist can create a plan for

Dixie Somers

Dixie Somers

Make Your Neighborhood Green Again: 5 Ways You Can Help Clean up Your Community

Is your community a little bit of a mess and want to give back by cleaning it up? Fortunately, there are a wide variety of ways you can work to make your neighborhood green again. Here are a few ways you can clean up your local community, from picking up litter to cleaning up after pets. Pick up Litter One of the best ways you can make your neighborhood green again is to pick up litter. Over time, litter tends to start growing on the sidewalks and pathways of your town. However, yo



Energy Alternatives: 3 Different Ways Your Business Can Generate Power

The cumulative environmental costs of human activities are becoming better understood. In the wake of that understanding, many businesses are looking to limit their own environmental footprint. Some try to do it with improved efficiency. Others are looking to energy production alternatives.   Solar The most mainstream of the energy alternatives is solar. It’s also probably one of the most actively researched alternatives. The steadily increasing efficiency of solar panels is



For Sale: 5 Changes You Can Do to Your Yard to Help Your Home Sell

When you put your home on the real estate market, you hope for a fast sale at the price you desire. Many factors affect the price of a home and it’s ability to sell quickly, such as hire a mortgage company to help you with your home loans, but you can take proactive steps to attract buyers by ensuring it looks its best, both inside and out. Many sellers take great pains to repair and paint the inside of the home but neglect the small improvements on the outside that can make a big difference in

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap

5 Keys to Having Clean Water on Your Farm

One of the keys to operating a successful farm is to maintain the integrity of your water sources and irrigation systems. With levels of pollution on the rise—even in isolated, rural areas—accessing clean water is more important than ever. Below are five tips you can use to protect your farm’s water sources and plumbing lines. City and County Water Lines Most local water utilities are strictly regulated to provide clean water to the communities they serve, both in the cities and ou

Dixie Somers

Dixie Somers

How to Help the Environment with Green Plumbing

Water is one of the most precious and limited resources that we utilize. At the same time, it is one of the most necessary resources, being used for drinking, cooking, washing, going to the bathroom, and other essential tasks of everyday life. With so much at stake, then, it’s important to try and conserve water whenever possible, to ensure there’s plenty available, both now and in the future. Here are a few ways that plumbing can be environmentally friendly. Low-Flow Fixtures A st

Dixie Somers

Dixie Somers

Consider These 4 Energy-Efficient Methods to Reduce Your Utility Costs

Cutting your utility costs shouldn’t have to be hard work. If you’re at a loss of where to start, have an energy audit conducted. This will give you a jumping off point for how to become more energy efficient. Here are some methods that you can use to reduce your utility costs. Reduce Your Loss Factor Drafts are causing there to be a lot of air exchange in your home. Your HVAC unit has to work harder to maintain the temperature. Cut down on the amount of drafts in your home. Some o



Home Makeover: How to Give Your Home an Updated and Energy-Efficient Aesthetic

There are lots of reasons that updating your home may be the right move to make right now. You can even have your upgrades decrease the overall energy usage of your home. Energy efficient items have come a long way when it comes to looks and the technology utilized. Doing these upgrades can improve the appearance of your home and save you some money in the process. Change Your Roofing Material If you roof is looking a little ratty around the edges, replace it with a newer version.



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