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The cruel life inside a factory farm

The emergence and intensification of agriculture is the basis for human development as we know it. But our path towards a more intensive farming system has made factory farming or industrial agriculture the norm in "civilized" high-tech nations.

And in an industrial world where the animals are increasingly seen as a commodity or product to make money on haven't improved the animals well-being. Rather, the intensification of our agriculture sector has made their life worse. And this cruelty is happening around the world. Even in the Swedish meat industry animal cruelty is common. And this even though the Swedish meat industry often and proudly proclaims itself for having "the world's best animal welfare", one can see the awful consequences of industrial farming. The latest example of this is the Animal Rights Alliance disclosure earlier last year on the abuse and neglect of Swedish pigs.

The following disturbing photos in this blog post has all been provided by the animal rights organization Farm Sanctuary. The organization, which is based in New York, was founded in 1986. Farm Sanctuary document the abuses of factory farms, slaughterhouses, and stockyards, rescue animals from these conditions, rehabilitating and caring for animals at shelters in New York and California, as well as running advocacy and education campaigns on these issues.

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It seems like a scene from hell. How can we call ourselves developed and civilized when we support this kind of life? As we sow, so shall we reap... or the Science Law: Every action has got an equal and opposite reaction. Going by this our future is not so bright, it is rather blighted. Let us try to change this by bringing a ray of love and hope. Before we begin by preaching, let us first take a vow that we shall not any eatable that contains the groans of another living being.

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All this so that the great fatted calves, the consumers have become can gorge on food they don't need and buy products they throw away after single use! Corporatism at its finest! Real unemployment at over 10% and we still can afford to live like pigs! Not all is lost though! China, India and the rest of Asia assure our total demise due to their over-population in the coming years and the end of the Corporatists extravagant exploitations! The world has run amok! no Brakes! No Brakes! America, resources near raped, swings its mighty Nuclear battle axe with oil power from foreign countries, and we all shudder. Iraq is gone, Iran is next, and the Jews will make it sooner if we let them! We will soon face disease due to antibiotic problems and little girls in the U.S. are now getting breasts at ages 6-7 years old ? hormones in the milk and meat they say, but what of the disease resistance bugs due to the antibiotics in the milk and meat ? Will new plagues beset us? Apparently very likely, and soon.

The over-looked factor is body size changes - Asians tend to start out small and light, but if fed on corporatism's diet soon bloat up to American sizes! This destroys their higher EROI advantage! Renders them uncompetitive! Is this the great equalizer? Human sloth? Fact is fat Chinese don't produce more economically than fat Americans! Factory Farms of America countered by Fish Farming in Asia? can they grow their burgeoning population and export food to America? Yes darlings, that is exactly what they do! Do they know something we don't know? Yes! Hunger!

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Thought you should know that the banner ad at the top is sending us to Pro Factory Farming sites.  This was the first that came up for me: http://www.fooddialogues.com/?gclid=CNif6Y6A5q4CFU3UKgodtBypww Right now, these are what is showing: Farmers & Ranchers Since when did agriculture become a dirty word? Join the conversation. www.FoodDialogues.comFree Range Farming Organic is worth it. Chickens, cows & pigs never raised in confinement. www.OrganicItsWorthIt.orgPasture Rasied Local Meat Evermore Farm Beef, Pork, Lamb, Chicken Eggs evermorefarm.com

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Unfortunately we cannot really control what kind of banners that will be displayed on Green Blog. The type of advertisement is decided on various keywords from the article itself. So if the article is about farming it's probably likely that the banners will be related to agriculture or farming. The advertisements will also differ depending on from which country you come from. I'm from Sweden and therefore I don't see those advertisements that you are talking about. But you are more than welcome to report specific banners to info@green-blog.org

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