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Do Your Part: How to Be Responsible with Your Electronic Waste


Throughout a typical day, you may use several different types of electronic devices regularly. These devices will eventually wear out or break with heavy use, or they may become obsolete as new technology is introduced. While you could toss old electronics into the trash, they would sit in the landfill for centuries because of a slow rate of decomposition. With some devices, harmful pollutants may enter the environment if they are not disposed of properly. With this in mind, you need to find responsible ways to deal with electronic waste.

Research Laws and Regulations

Before you decide how to proceed, spend time reviewing local laws and regulations that may impact your decision. In some areas, specific types of waste cannot legally be tossed away. Laws may specifically dictate how these items must be dealt with, such as through an electronics recycling program. These programs may be offered through local government organizations or waste management providers in some cases.

Consider Donation

If you are retiring electronics that are still in good condition, these items may be useful to other people. The latest technological devices may be important or essential to you, but slightly older devices with moderately outdated technology may suffice for others. Therefore, donating your items to a charitable organization may be an effective and responsible way to get rid of unwanted electronics. You may even enjoy a tax benefit in exchange for your donation. In some cases, selling these items for a small profit may make sense.

Find a Recycling Station

Depending on the type of electronics that you need to get rid of today, you may be able to recycle them. For example, there are kiosks in many stores that accept used smartphones, and they may even give you a small financial benefit if you recycle your devices in this way. Laptop recycling and other similar programs are also available in some areas. If you cannot find a local program, keep in mind that there are several websites that offer these services as well. Because they accept mail-in items, these options may be suitable regardless of where you live.

Tossing your old electronics in the trash may be the most convenient way to deal with unwanted waste, but this is not the most responsible method available. Depending on the type of electronics that you need to get rid of today, consider how each of these smart tips may help you to find a responsible way to do so.



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