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Environmental solutions and innovations for the oil & gas industry.

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Innovative Solutions to Environmental Disasters

Environmental disasters take many forms, with some of the more common ones being oil spills, air pollution, water contamination, and landfill issues. Though these disasters can be massive in scope and environmentally devastating, innovative companies have developed amazing solutions. Here's a quick look at some of the solutions in use today. Cleaning Up Oil Spills with Microbes Microbes have a purpose: they feed on dead and decaying organisms. This natural process cleans our environment an



Solar Panel Products Made in China to Rise: Alternative Ways to Buy Solar Panels

Because just about everything is made in China these days, it's no surprise that solar panels are too. Westerners have enjoyed many great deals on solar panels made in China. In fact, in recent years, China has manufactured more solar panels than any other nation--though they have been notoriously slow to adopt solar energy themselves. Changes are afoot, however. Reports suggest that China has plans to retain some of that solar power business and install a stunning increase in solar at home. It'



Oil Well Stimulation: What is it?

Paraffin and asphaltenes often build up in the perforations of oil wells, clogging them and impeding the flow of oil. Just as the flow of water can become a mere trickle due to a clogged irrigation pipe, the same is true of oil. As you can imagine, a clogged oil well is far from efficient. In order to improve the oil well's production, operators use an intervention known as oil well stimulation. Oil wells are often stimulated by pumping acid mixtures into the well to dissolve the clog. Anothe



Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Industrial Cleaning

Oil Rig Cleaning Solutions Proper operation of oil rigs and fields requires continuous preventive maintenance to cap the effects that deposits can create. If left unchecked, deposits can corrode an oil rig to the point that it is no longer profitable to operate. Oil rig cleaning solutions, that are plant-based, can prevent this. Mixed with water, some of these solutions form nano-sized cleaning components called micelles. These particles hack into oil and grease, break it down, and then surro



Five Eco-Friendly Ways to Clean Up Oil Spills

Where did the wildlife go? That's a scary question, but one that scientists and observers are posing in the wake of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The solution deployed to clean up the 210 million gallons of Louisiana crude spilled was the oil dispersant Corexit. Three years later, the evidence suggests that this wasn't the right way. Those who've come in contact with the substance are reporting disturbing symptoms - nose bleeds, diarrhea, dizziness, nausea, and others. Wildlife in the ar



Environmental Solution for Oil Storage Tank Cleaning

Crude oil, a product of millions of years of compounding, biological processes, refers to the chemical byproduct of fossilization, which is untreated and unrefined. When oil storage tanks develop accumulated contaminants, which then settle at the bottom, this sediment in create problems and outflow. Formation sands, or naturally occurring solids, rust, piping scales and other hydrocarbons build up in the bottom of a storage tank, it becomes the sludge. Typically, these consist of sediment, water



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