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Thinkin' Green

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The latest scope on environmental news and tips.

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Dealing with Hard-To-Recycle Materials

Just about everyone has at least a few things in their home that are difficult to recycle, with some of the hardest things being old CDs and DVDs, mattresses, and household hazardous waste. These are also things that for the most part cannot simply be thrown in the trash. CDs and DVDs are made of plastic and do not break down in landfills, mattresses are simply too big just to throw in the trash, and household hazardous wastes are too dangerous to carelessly throw away. Fortunately, it is still

Ethan Malone

Ethan Malone

Opponents of the CA's Plastic Bag Ban Making Big Push in Sacramento

Recently, a new bill that would ban plastic grocery bags in California passed a legislative committee. Now, lobbyists are banding together to fight the ban that would put plastic bag manufacturers out of business and cost jobs. Supporters of the bill argue that "a statewide bag ban is needed to wipe out a particularly noxious form of litter that kills marine life in the Pacific Ocean and costs Californians $25 million a year to collect and bury." (1) First Ban of Its Kind If California's p

Ethan Malone

Ethan Malone

Recycling in California Benefits Business

California has initiated some ambitious policies like its zero-waste initiative. Both businesses and residents are working within their communities to reduce waste and drastically limit--if not eliminate--the amount of material they send to landfills. While it's environmentally sound to embrace policies that encourage recycling and the reuse of materials, there are also other benefits for the state to consider. Areas like Union City, Berkeley, and Alameda County are already discovering that recy

Ethan Malone

Ethan Malone

Get Involved: Helping the Environment by Recycling

We can all make a difference in the quality of life today and for those generations as yet to come. If you're looking for a way to make a positive impact on the earth, it's a good idea to start out by taking steps to help the environment by recycling. When it comes to the health of the planet, as with the health of our children, it all starts at home. A Healthy Planet Starts at Home The side-effects of climate change, from monster storms (e.g., Super Storm Sandy, to the Fukushima tsunami)

Ethan Malone

Ethan Malone

Get The Junk Outta My Face

Only four short years ago, Sonoma County, California residents were subjected to junk hauling trucks rumbling through their neighborhoods on the way to the Mecham Road dump, but that's changed as junk and trash haulers are diverting trash to the new destination 60 miles away, Solano County's Potrero Hills Landfill. The Mecham Road dump was closed due to concerns it could contaminate groundwater. Potrero Hills Landfill is expected expanded shortly. The controversy of the proposed expansion mir

Ethan Malone

Ethan Malone

Growth of the Green Movement

The Growth of the Green Movement infographic created by Fast Haul, highlights the roots and development of the green movement in the United States, popular environmental ordinances that have been enacted in certain regions and are now spreading across the nation, and the top ranked "greenest" cities in the U.S. today. Happy Earth Day everyone!

Ethan Malone

Ethan Malone

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