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Green Blog

Shameem Kazmi

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A Carrier Bag Tax is Coming to a Shop Near You

It is likely before 2015 the government will announce an end to the free plastic carrier bag in England. Should a tax or ban be introduced on carrier bags? Governments and local authorities around the world have already banned or taxed free issue carrier bags, and there is pressure for legislation in England. They argue that cities must spend vast sums to clean up the bags and the damage caused by them, money that's better spent elsewhere. Not to mention that plastic bags are a nuisance on th

Shameem Kazmi

Shameem Kazmi

Moon Mining: Myth or Reality?

The lunar landings in the 1960’s and 1970’s by NASA may have paved the way for one of the biggest conflicts ever to be seen, and it hasn’t happened yet. This is the chase to find a secure, reliable and clean energy sources to feed the power thirst nations on earth. Governments around the world are looking to alternative sources of energy. Secure, clean, less waste and of course the reduction in carbon emissions that is the catalyst of climate change. Nuclear power is seen as a reliable source

Shameem Kazmi

Shameem Kazmi

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