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Nutritional Requirement for a Healthy Body

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We are what we eat. Nutrition is the number one contributor to our health. Many of us are not sure what is contained in the foods we eat and hence have no knowledge of what your body takes in. The body does not take that sweet and crunchy image that

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Simple Exercises for a Healthy Heart

Health is wealth - that's not a simple phrase. When you are healthy, everything else becomes easy. When I say healthy, I mean a stress free, disease free and happy person. The main thing that affects a person's health is their daily routine which greatly determines if you will be sick or not. When it comes to our routine, we mostly don't take time to think about it since we got used to it that it became a habit. Habits are hard to change, but if your health is at stake, you will surely change.

Michael Lawerence

Michael Lawerence

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