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Lizzie Weakley's Green Blog

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Helping to make our society more green and energy independent one blog post at a time

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Renovating Your Home? 4 Eco-Friendly Designs to Include

Renovating your home is often an invigorating experience. You get all the benefits of a move without having to actually change locations. New features and a fresh design give you a sense of rebirth, and you’ll likely look back at the renovation as a major milestone in your life. Beyond all the personal benefits, renovations are also a great way to make your home more eco-friendly, thereby shrinking your carbon footprint and making you a better global citizen. By incorporating these four “green”



Want to Live a Sustainable Life? 4 Tips for Growing Your Own Food

Growing your food is enjoyable, rewarding, satisfying, and has many benefits. Besides getting fresh farm produce, growing your food also saves money and limits waste in the garden. Many people utilize the spaces in their homes to set up a garden no matter the size, and the results are breathtaking. However, it needs dedication and the right knowledge for a successful process.   Find the Space   Finding the perfect spot for gardening doesn’t have to make you sweat. Even with t



How to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Older Car

Keeping an older car for many years can be great for your budget. As your car ages, you'll be able to pay it off, leaving you with less debt. The problem, though, is that old cars tend to be a little harder on the environment than newer vehicles. By taking a few smart steps, though, you can make your vehicle more environmentally friendly. To help you save the planet, here are a few tips on how to reduce the carbon footprint of your older car. Maintain Your Tires Since your tires ar



How to go Paperless With all Your Business Transactions

Technology has changed the way of doing things in this modern age. The conventional way of doing things was very tiring and full of inconveniences. Over the years, technology has been able to facilitate business transactions, and it is possible to transact online without paperwork. In this piece, we have outlined several ways a business can be able to transact without going through endless paper works.   Electronic Payments   Electronic payments have made it easier to do busi



4 Ways Your Roof Can Be Preventing Your Home From Being Eco-Friendly

Green living is a trend in 2020. However, parts of your home might be holding you back from this goal. Let us take a very close look at four ways your roof can be preventing your home from being eco-friendly.   Clogged gutter   To start things off, a clogged gutter is not good for the environment. This will accumulate leaves, bird droppings, and other debris and create a mess. Fortunately, it's very easy to unclog a gutter and restore the ecosystem. Moreover, it simply leads



Starting to Farm on Your Property? Here's 5 Things You'll Need

Farming is one of the oldest human pursuits. The ability to produce food at home instead of having to stay on the move to find it has enabled the development of human civilization. If you have some land that you want to start using for this time-honored purpose, here are five things that you’ll need. Basic Fencing Whether you have livestock on your farm or not, you will probably need some fencing. Crops of all kinds attract wildlife and the occasional escaped animal from other farm



4 Repairs to Make Around Your Home To Reduce Energy Use

The world's natural resources are quickly depleting at an alarming rate, and we are challenged to find ways to do our part to help the environment by reducing our energy consumption. Perhaps you are wondering how you can do your part to help save the environment by reducing energy use and to save money. Here are four repairs to make around your home to reduce energy use. Leaky Pipe A leaky pipe in your home can cause devastating damages and is one of the main culprits in high energy co



How to Manage Your Bedroom Temperature Without Straining Your HVAC

You likely spend a lot of time in your bedroom. It can be difficult to keep your bedroom comfortable. However, there are some things that you can do in order to keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature without straining the HVAC. Invest in House Plants There are several ways that house plants can keep your bedroom comfortable. The plants help purify the air, reducing the amount of loose carbon dioxide in your room. Placing plants outside your bedroom window can shade your win



How to Make Sure You're Using Responsibly Sourced Materials in Your Home

The most common material in your home is wood. Your patio chairs, bed, or even flooring is made up of wood. Like every other industry today, the wood construction industry is shifting towards ethical furniture and the use of sustainable timber. Today, preserving the world’s trees and forests is essential for the survival of the human race. Therefore, buying wood is a bit challenging since you have to know where it is coming from and how it was harvested.   What is sustainable timber?



How Industrial Companies Can Make Their Boilers More Eco-Friendly

Industrial companies have a responsibility to make sure that they do everything that they can to protect the environment. Your boiler can contribute to greenhouse gases. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to make your boiler more eco-friendly. Insulate the Valves There are many places that will remove the insulation when they perform maintenance and never put it back. However, you can increase the efficiency of your boiler by insulating the valves. Insulating the



Going Green? 4 Ways to Improve Your Home Exterior

You can contribute to environmental conservation through the upgrades you install in your home. Eco-friendly installations can also save you a lot of money even though initial costs may be high in some cases. Here are some tips for going green in your home exterior. Install Solar Panels   With solar panels you can generate enough energy to use at home, and in some cases even surplus to sell to the grid. Initial installation is high because it takes a few kilowatts before it can ge



How To Make Your Home Eco-Friendly While Staying Stylish

A home is a special place for everyone after retiring from the troubles of the outside world. Waste production, deforestation, and illegal dumping are the significant causes of pollution in our environments. According to the World Health Organization, some global deaths are as a result of pollutants. Naturally, every human being desires a clean environment. However, the environmental challenges have left many wondering how they can have an eco-friendly and stylish home at this age. Below are tip



Getting Ready to Remodel? How to Recycle and Repurpose Old Materials

There's little doubt that humanity is adversely affecting the environment with trash. Home remodeling projects produce a lot of old materials that can find their way into landfills and waterways unless homeowners try to recycle or repurpose them. When you're responsible with these materials, you keep harmful chemicals and debris out of the environment. If you've ever wondered how easy it is to extend the life of old materials like bricks, cardboard, concrete, glass, green waste, metal, plastic a



4 Eco-Friendly Updates You Can Add With Your Next Roof Repair

Is your home ready for a new roof? Replacing your worn or damaged roof not only keeps your head dry but also presents an opportunity to make your home a little greener. Making sustainable and energy efficient decisions for your new roof can lower your carbon footprint and keep a little more money in your wallet. Here are four eco-friendly roof upgrades to consider for your next roof renovation. Choose a Cooler Color If you live in a hot, sunny climate, cooling down your roof can ma



How Upgrading Your Home Appliances Can Reduce Your Energy Consumption

Are you looking at your utility bill and are flabbergasted at the amount? Are you wondering what you can do to reduce energy costs without sacrificing comfort or convenience? If you answered yes, then you may need to upgrade your home appliances. Here is how upgrading your home appliances can reduce your energy consumption to save money. Refrigerator Every time you open your refrigerator, a light comes on so you can see the items stored in it. If you have had your refrigerator for more



How Septic Tanks Help the Environment

As long as it's working properly, you probably never give your septic tank much thought. After all, it doesn't exactly have a glamorous job. What it lacks in glamour, though, it makes up for in importance, silently working to remove the waste from your home. What you may not realize is that, in addition to performing a vital task, your septic tank is actually quite environmentally friendly. To help give you a greater appreciation for your septic tank, here are a few ways that septic tanks help t



How to Do Your Part in Reducing Water Use Around Your Home

Drinkable water is the Earth’s most precious resource. It is essential to life, but often in short supply. And despite what the steady stream coming from our taps suggests, it is a finite resource. It is incumbent on all of us to do what we can to limit our water usage, allowing us to build a sustainable future together. But what can you do to help reduce your usage? What adjustments need to happen? What habits need to change? There are countless little things you can do that add up to make a ma



Work in Industry? 4 Ways to Make Your Workspace Greener

The Earth can be harmed the by the actions of people. Human civilization has created pollution and destroyed natural ecosystems and wildlife habitats. It may even lead to worse problems like global warming that could threaten everyone. The one sector of human civilization that contributes the most to this destruction is industry. Thankfully, you can take steps to lower your company’s impact on the planet. Here are some ideas for making your workspace greener. Implement Renewable Energy



4 Items You Might Have Overlooked in Your Office that Can Be Recycled

Is your office cluttered with several items that hinder your productivity? Are you looking for ways to do your part in saving the environment by starting a recycling program at the office? If you answered yes, then you are probably thinking about other items that can be recycled outside of aluminum cans, paper waste, magazines, newspapers, shipping supplies, file folders, and cardboard. Here are 4 overlooked items found in your office that can also be recycled to help you boost productivity whil



How Businesses Can Properly Dispose of Broken or Old Electrical Equipment

As a modern business, it's likely that you have a large amount of electronic equipment that helps to keep your business going. As important as this equipment is, it will eventually become too outdated to efficiently meet your needs. When that happens, it's important to dispose of these old electronics in a responsible manner to prevent harm to the environment. To give you direction on what to do, here are a few ways that businesses can properly dispose of broken or old electronic equipment.



4 Things You Didn't Know Your Solar Roof Could Power

Residential solar panels are more popular than ever, and that type of energy source could save you quite a bit of money in the coming years. If you are still on the fence about having solar panels installed, then you might want to take a look at these four unique things that your new panels will be able to power. A Residential Well Those who truly want to live off the grid will need to consider drilling their own residential well. That type of resource might be able to provide your fam



4 Recyclable Materials to Make Your Home Stronger

Did you know that the amount of waste generated from construction and demolition is more than double that of household garbage collection? However, you can significantly reduce your next project's carbon footprint by using recyclable materials. Many eco-friendly materials also offer other advantages like exceptional strength and durability. If you're planning to build or remodel, consider these four recyclable materials that can make both your home and the environment stronger. Bamboo Flo



Have a Large Garden? 5 Ways to Keep It Under Control

Maintaining a large garden is a great way to supply yourself with fresh vegetables and spend plenty of time outdoors. The one problem is that large gardens can get out of control easily if not tended properly. It might take extra effort, or even specialized outside help, but you can make your large garden as beautiful as you dreamed. Here are five ways to make keeping your garden under control simple. Mulch All Unoccupied Spaces Weeding is the single most labor-intensive aspect of



How to Use Less Energy in Your Old Home

Many modern homes offer energy-efficient features that make lowering your energy bill easy. But what about old homes that were built before energy-efficient features? Well, there’s hope for old homes, too. There are updates that can make your old home just as efficient as a modern home.   Updating an old home is often as simple or as complicated as you can afford to make it. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, then there are quick-fix changes that you can make. But if money is n



5 Ways to Save Energy in Your Urban Apartment

Apartment living can give you a unique and convenient way of life. Rather than commuting miles out to the suburbs just to get some extra space, living in an urban apartment can keep you close to work, shopping, and recreation. Of course, downtown living carries a lot of the same overhead as its more distant counterpart, with energy costs at the top of the list. Here are some simple ways to reduce your energy expense in an apartment. Draw the Blinds In larger apartment buildings, in



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